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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags portableapps & applications

21 June 2009 15:00 Suite and Platform | - Portable software for USB drives

by 12 others
Home Suite and Platform your computer, without the computer™ Suite™ is a complete collection of portable apps including a web browser, email client, office suite, calendar/scheduler, instant messaging client, antivirus, audio player, sudoku game, password manager, PDF reader, minesweeper clone, backup utility and integrated menu, all preconfigured to work portably. Just drop it on your portable device and you're ready to go. - Portable software for USB drives

by 92 others, 1 comment
Convenient Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind. Open provides a truly open platform that works with any hardware you like (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc). It's open source built around an open format that any hardware vendor or software developer can use.

User account | - Portable software for USB drives

Welcome to We're happy to see you're interested in joining our community. After filling out your information below, you'll be sent a link to complete your account creation. Be sure you've entered your email address correctly and that you're able to receive email from (the email will come from a address). If you're using any kind of challenge/response email system (like SpamArrest, Antispam UOL, BlueBottle or Earthlink's SpamBlock) you'll need to set things up so you get this email. As with most automated systems, challenges are ignored. If you are unable to register for an account due to our anti-spam captcha, please contact us at our developer address for assistance.

21 June 2009 10:00

Cornice Portable | - Portable software for USB drives

Cornice Portable view your images anywhere Cornice Portable is an image viewer packaged as a portable app, so you can view and show off your pictures from an iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, etc. It has thumbnail previews, full screen modes, rotation, slideshow modes and more.

GIMP Portable | - Portable software for USB drives

Home » Applications » Graphics & Pictures GIMP Portable image editing on the go GIMP Portable is the popular the GIMP for Windows image editor packaged as a portable app, so you can take your images with you and do your editing on the go.

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Support | - Portable software for USB drives

Using Firefox Portable To start up Firefox Portable, just double-click FirefoxPortable.exe file where you installed Portable Firefox on your portable drive. Then, use it just like you would a local copy of Firefox. There are a couple of things to keep in mind: * Stay Safe - When using portable apps, it's always a good idea to practice Safe Portable App-ing. * Removing Your Drive - When you're done, exit Firefox and then wait for the activity light on your removable drive to stop flashing. This may take a minute or more on slow drives or computers. Then select the 'Safely remove [device]' option from the icon in the system tray. If you remove the drive while it is writing, you may lose data.

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition | - Portable software for USB drives

by 8 others (via)
Support osi_certified.pngFor help getting Firefox Portable up and running, visit Firefox Portable Support: * Installing Firefox Portable * Using Firefox Portable * Upgrading Firefox Portable * Copying your local Firefox settings to Firefox Portable * Improving Firefox Portable's Performance * Installing Plugins (Flash, Shockwave, etc.) * Running From a CD (Firefox Portable Live) * Configuring Helper Apps (PDF reader, document viewers, etc) Note: Using helper apps and closing them after closing Firefox Portable may have privacy implications, read for more details. * Known Issues * Modifications * Version History