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06 September 2008 06:15

Puppy live-CD

WARNING FOR NEWBIES: If you don't know anything about burning an ISO file to CD, read the documentation that comes with your CD-burner software. The biggest single mistake is that people treat the "puppy-2.xx-xxxx.iso" file as just a file, and write it to CD. Any decent CD-burner software will have a special menu selection for writing an ISO file to CD. You will know that you have succeeded if, after burning it, you use a file manager such as Windows Explorer to look at the CD and you see the files "image.gz", "vmlinuz", etc. If you see the file "puppy-2.xx-xxxx.iso" then you did it wrong! The thing to understand about an ISO file is that it is a snapshot of the entire contents of a CD, so has lots of files inside it.

Download Puppy

Download live-Puppy: ready-to-go bootable CD A complete operating system with suite of GUI apps, only about 50 - 90M and boots directly off the CDROM.

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