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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags torrentreactor & ELT

18 October 2008

15 October 2008

12 October 2008

Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary - Torrent Reactor NET

the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, first published 60 years ago. It is the largest English language dictionary from Oxford University Press aimed at a non-native audience. Users with a more linguistic interest, requiring etymologies or copious references, usually prefer the Concise Oxford Dictionary, or indeed the magnum opus the Oxford English Dictionary, or other dictionaries aimed at speakers of English with native-level competence.

11 October 2008

REPOST TPB - ESL English Advanced Learner's Megapack - Torrent Reactor NET

ESL English Advanced Learner's Megapack REPOST - TPB tracker This DVD offers the most important ESL textbooks that an advanced ESL English student might need. Also included is the best ESL dictionary - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7e - that also contains the Oxford Wordfinder - an electronic version of the excellent language activator tool. This dictionary runs on Linux too.