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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag user

2009 - Blender User Interface Tutorial

If you are reading this tutorial, you are probably feeling like I did exactly one year ago. I had found this extremely interesting looking 3D application (which other users were raving about), but the user interface completely baffled me. I couldn't find the quit function (I had to kill the application instead of exiting it), I saw buttons that seemed to react differently each time I clicked on them and every time something interesting happened, I could not reproduce it.

Como usar o APT

Como usar o APT Resumo Esse documento pretende levar ao usuário um bom conhecimento das funções do utilitário de empacotamento do Debian, APT. É objetivo real deste, facilitar a vida dos novos usuários de Debian ou ajudar aqueles que desejam se aprofundar no conhecimento da administração desse sistema. Ele foi criado para o projeto Debian-BR para melhorar ainda mais o suporte à distribuição Debian oferecido ao usuário falante da língua portuguesa.


Visual Design: Optimizing Xubuntu's user interface

Optimizing Xubuntu's user interface Labels: Reviews Xubuntu targets slower older hardware with limited resources like my IBM Thinkpad with 1 Gig Intel processor 250 Mb memory, 30 Gig hard drive and 14 inch display size. Running Xubuntu on older hardware is a challenge in itself but in this article I focus exclusively on usability issues that might enhance older hardware functionality making xubuntu experience more enjoyable.


Debian -- Manuais do DDP para usuários

Como Usar o APT Este manual tenta ser uma fonte rápida mas completa de informação sobre o sistema APT e suas características. Ele contém muitas informações sobre os principais usos do APT e muitos exemplos.

Ubuntu User Documentation - Community Ubuntu Documentation

User Documentation Welcome to the community documentation for Ubuntu, created by users just like you! [WWW] Documentation in other languages is also available. Please read the Wiki Guide before making any edits. Thanks.

Ubuntu user documentation

Welcome to the community documentation for Ubuntu, created by users just like you! Documentation in other languages is also available. Please read the Wiki Guide before making any edits. Thanks.