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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag words


1100 Words You Need to Know 5th Ed | Learning English Together

Updated to meet the needs of students preparing for the latest versions of the Sat and Act college entrance tests, the new edition of this helpful, longtime best-selling book features word lists with definitions, analogy exercises, word games, and words-in-context exercises. A special feature is the authors' Panorama of Words, in which each of the book's 1110 words is presented in a sentence from a well-known novel, play, poem, or other literary source. A new "Bonus Materials" section commemorates this book's 40th Anniversary as a leader in vocabulary building and test preparation.


Labyrinth Map Your Mind

Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool, written in Python using Gtk and Cairo to do the drawing. It is intended to be as light and intuitive as possible, but still provide a wide range of powerful features. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organisation, problem solving, and decision making. (From wikipedia) Read more UBUNTU : AVAILABLE : DISPONIVEL NO ACRESCENTAR/REMOVER APLICAÇÕES