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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag tool

March 2010

KDE Partition Manager

KDE Partition Manager 1.0.1 KDE System Tool Link: Link other: Link Depends on: KDE 4.x Downloads: 12344 Submitted: Sep 18 2008 Updated: Jan 10 2010 Score: score94%94%score 94% good bad good Description: KDE Partition Manager is a utility program to help you manage the disk devices, partitions and file systems on your computer. It allows you to easily create, copy, move, delete, resize without losing data, backup and restore partitions. KDE Partition Manager supports a large number of file systems, including ext2/3/4, reiserfs, NTFS, FAT16/32, jfs, xfs and more. It makes use of external programs to get its job done, so you might have to install additional software (preferably packages from your distribution) to make use of all features and get full support for all file systems. KDE Partition Manager is also available as a bootable Live CD

November 2008

Main Page - Beagle

by 3 others
Quickly find the stuff you care about. Beagle is a search tool that ransacks your personal information space to find whatever you're looking for. Using Beagle, you can easily find: * Image:Office-doc.png documents * Image:Stock_mail.png emails & attachments * Image:Gnome-globe.png web history * Image:Im-icon.png IM/IRC conversations * Image:Stock_addressbook.png addressbook contacts * Image:Stock_calendar.png calendar appointments * Image:Stock_notes.png notes * Image:Source-doc.png source code * Image:Image-doc.png images * Image:Music-doc.png music/video files * Image:Archive.png archives and their contents * Image:Gnome-run.png applications * ... and much more

April 2008

Pixia ver. 4 with a new engine is out!

This website is to introduce a graphic software, Pixia. The original Japanese Edition was created and developed by the author, Isao Maruoka, but has also been aggressively raised by its fans, which makes this software to be quite unique and different from other tools. Pixia Help File is available as a separate installation file. To get better tips for using Pixia, visit users' tutorials linked from the Tutorial page.

January 2008

Labyrinth Map Your Mind

Labyrinth is a lightweight mind-mapping tool, written in Python using Gtk and Cairo to do the drawing. It is intended to be as light and intuitive as possible, but still provide a wide range of powerful features. A mind-map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualise, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organisation, problem solving, and decision making. (From wikipedia) Read more UBUNTU : AVAILABLE : DISPONIVEL NO ACRESCENTAR/REMOVER APLICAÇÕES

October 2007

o kurumin é rpm? parte3

eu aqui com o kurumin 13- Tem como instalar pacotes RPM no Kurumin? O Debian possui um utilitário chamado alien que transforma pacotes .rpm e .tgz (do Slackware) em pacotes .deb que podem ser instalados no Kurumin. Para usa-lo você precisa antes de mais nada estar com o Kurumin instalado no HD. Abra o Root Shell e use o comando: # apt-get install alien (para instalar o alien, para usar o pat-get você precisa estar conectado) Para converter o pacote basta digitar "alien nome_do_pacote", como em: # alien sodipodi-0.30.1-2mdk.i586.rpm Ele gerará um pacote .deb com o mesmo nome, que pode ser instalado através do comando: # dpkg -i nome_do_pacotepacote.deb Lembre-se que os pacotes RPM são compilados para distribuições específicas (Mandrake, Red Hat, Conectiva, etc.). Nem todos vão funcionar no Kurumin (assim como um RPM do Red Hat nem sempre funciona no Mandrake ou no Conectiva). Alguns podem reclamar de falta de dependências, etc. O mais prático é procurar um pacote .deb para o programa que você quer instalar. Existem mais de 16.000 pacotes .deb oficiais e mais algumas dezenas de milhares de pacotes .deb não oficiais espalhados pela Web. Uma buca no google geralmente resolve o problema. Você pode encontrar vários repositórios com pacotes não oficiais no Clique no "view a full list of sites" ou faça uma procura pelo programa desejado. Para adicionar um destes repositórios na configuração do apt-get, para que você possa instalar os pacotes disponíveis neles com um "apt-get install kismet" por exemplo, você deve editar o arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list: kedit /etc/apt/sources.list Para cada site listado no, você verá uma entrada como esta, depois da listagem dos arquivos disponíveis: deb unstable main Basta dicionar a entrada como uma nova linha no arquivo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list, salvar o arquivo e rodar o apt-get update para que ele se atualize adicionando a nova fonte.

September 2007

Edubuntu Screenshots

eu aqui com o edubuntu gutsy gibbon tribe5 Office Suite Schooltool Calendar Tux4Kids GCompris: I Have Understood The KDE Edutainment Suite The GNOME Desktop Environment

June 2007

LiveCD Download.

LiveCD ISO Image. This is our last FreeBSD LiveCD ISO Image. It's a fully functional FreeBSD 4.6 Repair CD with lots of recovering and diagnosing tools. The full application's list can be found here. The ISO image can be found at: LiveCD Tool Set This is the main tool to create your own LiveCD. At the present time, English and Portuguese languages are available. It will always be found at:

May 2007

March 2007


by 4 others
This website is to introduce a graphic software, Pixia. The original Japanese Edition was created and developed by the author, Isao Maruoka, but has also been aggressively raised by its fans, which makes this software to be quite unique and different from other tools. Pixia Help File is available as a separate installation file. To get better tips for using Pixia, visit users' tutorials linked from the Tutorial page.


by 71 others
wordpress blog tool and weblog platform REVISTA INFO DE NOVEMBRO DE 2007 #261 PÁGINA 55 Web na ponta do mouse; WORDPRESS 2.3.1 +JOOMLA 1.0+ PLONE 3.0