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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag sourceforge


Scribus download |

Scribus Powerful desktop publishing software Brought to you by: cbradney, jghali, kunda1, mrdocs, and 2 others Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to Linux, BSD UNIX, Solaris, OpenIndiana, GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, and Windows desktops with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design. Underneath a modern and user-friendly interface, Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as color separations, CMYK and spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.

2011 User Guide - scantailor

User Guide From scantailor Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] * 1 About * 2 Installation and first start * 3 Create Project * 4 The concept of processing scans in Scan Tailor * 5 Program menu * 6 Processing stages * 7 See also About Scan Tailor is an interactive tool for post-processing of scanned pages. It gives the ability to cut or crop pages, compensate for skew angle, and add / delete content fields and margins, among others. You begin with raw scans, and end up with tiff's that are ready for printing or assembly in PDF or DjVu file. Scanning, OCR, and the building of single-file multi-page documents are not included in the project objectives. The program is developed for Windows, GNU / Linux, and other Unix-like systems such as Mac OS X. scantailor

English You are currently at Scan Tailor project's Wiki. A Wiki is a content management system that allows visitors to add new and edit existing content. This Wiki is intended for Scan Tailor's documentation, Frequently Asked Questions, Tips and things like that. There is also a discussion system that allows commenting on the content of a particular page. The English pages are currently in an active stage of development. If you are interested, you are welcome to add such content. You need to be logged in as SourceForge user to do that. You can also contact me about working on these pages. User Guide Quick Start Guide Video tutorial Tips for scanning Building from source code on Linux and Mac OS X


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A aBblia Software desenvolvida em C usando a biblioteca de classes Qt, afim de tornar-se um programa de fcil instalao e utilizao. Desenvolvida para os sistemas Windows e Linux, a aBblia Software rene em um nico programa ferramentas AQUI A partir DA INDICAÇÃO DO coringao ( coringão ) NO ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx no dell COM empathy ( chat ) .O link VEIO DO QUE LE ENVIOU :

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Ubuntu -- Details of package xvidcap in lucid

Screen video capture for X A screen capture enabling you to capture videos off your X-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes. It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to tools like Lotus ScreenCam. Video can be saved in MPEG or AVI files format. Other Packages Related to xvidcap Package: xvidcap (1.1.7-0.2ubuntu8) [multiver

2009 Faq - xvidcap

1 Xvidcap FAQ * 1.1 General Questions o 1.1.1 What is xvidcap? o 1.1.2 Can I capture the mouse pointer? o 1.1.3 Can I record audio along with the video? o 1.1.4 You're saying FFMPEG needs OSS for audio capture. Will ALSA work, too? o 1.1.5 Recording sound does not work (or it only works for the microphone, not application output) o 1.1.6 Are there plans to port xvidcap to Windows? o 1.1.7 Will xvidcap work on a Mac, or are there plans to port it? o 1.1.8 Why does Windows Media Player play my captured videos upside down? o 1.1.9 Can xvidcap capture OpenGL accelerated graphics? o 1.1.10 Does xvidcap work with fullscreen applications, such as games like Cube? o 1.1.11 Is xvidcap able of capturing a running video? o 1.1.12 Does xvidcap get the array of pixels from the xserver or off the video card's buffer? * 1.2 Building o 1.2.1 After building xvidcap says "FFMPEG encoding not supported" o 1.2.2 The build complains about being unable to findcommon.h o 1.2.3 Why am I getting error about an "undefined reference to `pow'"? * 1.3 Installation o 1.3.1 Why do you not provide packages for distribution XYZ? o 1.3.2 On Solaris pkgadd complains about "no packages found" o 1.3.3 How do I install the Fedora RPMS and how do they differ? * 1.4 Usage o 1.4.1 Why does the button to capture a single image not work for me? o 1.4.2 Capture fails with "Could not find audio grab device ..." o 1.4.3 Why are the videos or single frames I capture always white or black? o 1.4.4 Running xvidcap I get an error message saying "xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" o 1.4.5 xvidcap hangs on starting a capture session. What can I do about it? * 1.5 Encoding o 1.5.1 Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast? o 1.5.2 How can I record videos for Windows Media Player compatibility? o 1.5.3 How do I improve recorded audio quality?

xvidcap | Get xvidcap at

by 1 other (via)
xvidcap is a screen capture enabling you to capture videos off yourX-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes.It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to tools like Lotus ScreenCam.

Dorgem download

"Capture imagens da sua webcam e armazene-as no disco local ou num servidor FTP." Dorgem é um aplicativo para captura de vídeo pela Webcam. Ele é compatível coma grande maioria das webcams (assim como outros dispositivos de captura como câmeras digitais) e possui eventos de armazenamento ilimitado para imagens capturadas em um site FTP ou para o disco local a intervalos definidos. O software pode inserir textos e bitmaps na imagem capturada antes de armazená-la. Dorgem suporta várias câmeras ao mesmo tempo, possui um servidor Web para imagens estáticas e pode ser usado como um excelente sistema de segurança com detectores de movimento através das câmeras.

KDE on Windows News

KDE on Windows News The KDE on Windows Project is aimed at native porting of the KDE applications to MS Windows.

MediaCoder media transcoding solutions

Introduction MediaCoder is a general-purpose batch media transcoder (converter) software. It supports decoding from and encoding to a wide range of existing audio/video compression formats and container formats with audio/video filtering and post-processing features. A rich set of adjustable parameters are provided. MediaCoder is covering most transcoding applications, including transcoding for mobile devices and home digital video player devices for personal use, as well as massive/batch transcoding and video archiving for professional use. Having done a great amount of development on MediaCoder in past years, we are looking forward to providing better products and services for commercial and enterprise customers, in addition to personal users. Right now we have following products and services on the shelf.

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Ten - Animation Do you know how movies and cartoons work? Have you ever made a "flipbook?" Well, before we get into how to do animation using a computer, it helps to understand how animation really works. When we see moving pictures on a screen, they're not really moving. What actually happens is that a sequence of still pictures -- like photographs -- are flashed on the screen so quickly that you can't tell how fast it's happening. About 30 times every second, the screen is cleared and a new picture takes the place of the old one. If we were to slow it down it would look like this:

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Four - Variables In the previous tutorials, we learned how to print messages and numbers on the screen and how to do math using the print command. This is very good to know how to do, but it doesn't really help us use the full power of the computer. Computers do more than simple things like add numbers and print messages. A big part of what computers do is to store information, so it can be used later. This is where "variables" come in handy. Variables are a way to save a message or a number so that you can use it later. Let's try an example.

BASIC-256 - Programming for Kids

Tutorial Three - Drawing Pictures One of the most exciting things to do with a computer is to draw things with it. Usually you would do this with a paint program, but what if you didn't have one? Or what if you wanted to draw a circle, and then have it move across the screen? This tutorial will show you how to do basic drawing. First, let's try drawing a few dots.

recordMyDesktop's User Guide: Index

Previous TOC Next This guide is meant to explain the basic usage of recordMyDesktop, a Free Software screen recorder for GNU/linux. This guide, just like the software itself, is always a work in progress, so feel free to come up with suggestions, corrections and improvements. You can contact me here. Copyright (c) 2007 John Varouhakis Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this work, to deal in the work without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, distribute, merge, make derivative works, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and/or sell this work.

recordMyDesktop Documentation

This section includes various sources of information, intended to provide a better understanding of recordMyDesktop so users can put it to the best possible use for their purposes. For further information you can use the Help, Feedback and Open Discussion forums on (anonymous posting allowed).

About recordMyDesktop

by 1 other (via)
About recordMyDesktop award recordMyDesktop is a softpedia award desktop session recorder for GNU / linux that attemps to be easy to use, yet also effective at it's primary task. As such, the program is separated in two parts; a simple command line tool that performs the basic tasks of capturing and encoding and an interface that exposes the program functionality in a usable way. The commandline tool (which essentially is recordMyDesktop), is written in C, while there are two frontends, written in python with pyGtk (gtk-recordMyDesktop) and pyQt4 (qt-recordMyDesktop).