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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tag education


Trisquel on Sugar | Trisquel GNU/Linux - Run free!

Trisquel on Sugar SugarWe have a new project, a live -and installable- CD/USB image running the latest Sugar learning platform: "The award-winning Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software." This new project will improve the Trisquel Edu system, providing a nice educational environment for first grade students. We hope this will also be the start of a productive relationship with the SugarLabs folks, who helped us a lot to achieve this release. Many thanks to Aleksey Lim and to everyone at the Sugar project for giving us this wonderful software! The project was presented during the Software Freedom Day 09 event organized by the Free Software Foundation. Briefly introduced by Walter Bender, founder of SugarLabs, our Sugar+Trisquel solution provides a way to run this excelent educational software in a fully free system. Trisquel 3.0 was also featured in the FSF event, running on the computers available for the public on site. Highligts Built using the latest Sugar and Trisquel versions available. Installable live CD, with MD5 self-checking utility. Persistent user data in live-usb sessions, graphical usb-creator included. Boot menu with 30 selectable languages. LTSP thin client support using a Trisquel Edu server. Sugar style artwork. Testing You can help us and the Sugar project by testing the release candidate iso image: Send any bugs you find to our bug tracker. We will also report them upstream in case they are not caused by the Trisquel base system.


A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his... - Horace Mann at BrainyQuote

Horace Mann Quotes A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. Horace Mann


Como obter ajuda e suporte | Ubuntu-BR

Fórum Lugar onde os usuários fazem e respondem perguntas, tiram suas dúvidas e discutem sobre assuntos diversos, separados por categorias. Antes de perguntar, pesquise, pois é bastante provável que seu problema ou dúvida já tenha sido levantado e respondido. Acesse Listas de Discussão As listas de discussão do Ubuntu e da comunidade são os locais onde são discutidas as novidades, idéias e questões sobre o Ubuntu, muito frequentemente usada como meio de suporte. Seu funcionamento é baseado em troca de email entre todos os membros simultaneamente, tornando o conteúdo acessível por muitos. Acesse a página das listas Chat via IRC As atividades da comunidade Ubuntu estão concentradas na rede FreeNode. Acesse a rede e converse em tempo real com os usuários e membros da comunidade. Acesse o canal #ubuntu-br na rede Caso ainda não saiba usar o IRC, acesse essa página.

The KDE Education Project - KTurtle

KTurtle KTurtle Version 0.8 © 2003-2009 Cies Breijs KTurtle is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2. [ Description | Current Development | News | Screenshots ] Description KTurtle is an educational programming environment for the KDE Desktop. KTurtle aims to make programming as easy and touchable as possible, and therefore can be used to teach kids the basics of math, geometry and... programming. The programming language used in KTurtle is loosly based on Logo. KTurtle allows, just like some implementations of Logo, to translate the programming language (the commands, the documentation and the error messages) to native language of the programmer. For more information on translating KTurtle please read the translation how to. Translating the programming language to the native language of the programmer is one of the many ways KTurtle tries to make learning to programming more simple. Other features to help to achieve this goal are: intuitive syntax highlighting, simple error messages, integrated canvas to make drawings on, integrated help function, slow-motion or step execution, and more.


Xubuntu | Ubuntu

Xubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the Xfce desktop environment. It is intended for users with less-powerful computers, or those that require a highly efficient desktop environment on faster systems. Xubuntu features primarily GNOME applications. Xubuntu Desktop When you start your system for the first time you'll see a desktop that is clean and tidy with and a default theme that is easy on the eye.

Skolelinux: Infoside for utviklerne

The Linux for School project "We have four years of experience using Linux with user applications in Nynorsk" says Bjarne Hugo Hansen, principle of Høle primary and secondary school. Nynorsk is one of the two main norwegian dialects, the other is Bokmål. "Our school saves at least NOK 128.000 (Norwegian kroner) a year, and we are able to use new software on old computers". Most of our computer park consist of old, donated computers from private companies. Bjerke high school with 370 pupils, has three and a half years of experience with thin clients and servers running Linux with KDE and StarOffice. They use a hardware-optimized solution with central server-administration. "Our school saves NOK 100.000 a year" says Gro Flaten, principal of Bjerke. July the 2nd 2001, an initiating meeting was summoned for the "Skolelinux" project (a project to create a Linux solution aimed at Norwegian schools. ). 13 out of 25 project participants met, which is good, considering that the participants live widely spread across Norway. The project's objective was discussed, and the Debian distribution was chosen as a base platform because Petter Reinholdtsen, who knows the Debian distribution well, volunteered to build the new "Skolelinux" distribution. Eivind Trondsen, Linux evangelist from IBM Norway, offered a build computer and development site for a couple of summer months. The objective we agreed on is: The "Skolelinux" project shall provide Norwegian user applications in the two norwegian dialects, Nynorsk and Bokmål, and in the Sami language.

DebianEdu - Debian Wiki

DebianEdu * is a Debian project to make the best distribution for educational purposes. Skolelinux * is the name of a CustomDebianDistribution which is produced by the DebianEdu project. "Skole" ([skuːl]) is the Norwegian form of "school". Both "skole" and "school" comes from the Latin word "schola".

[Free Education Software GCompris]

GCompris é uma suite de aplicações educacionais que compreende numerosas atividades para crianças de idade entre 2 e 10 anos. Algumas das atividades são de orientação lúdica, mas sempre com um caráter educacional. Abaixo você encontra uma lista de categorias, com algumas das atividades disponíveis em cada uma delas. - descoberta do computador: teclado, mouse, diferentes usos do mouse, ... - álgebra: memorização de tabelas, enumeração, tabelas de entrada dupla, imagens espelhadas, ... - ciências: controle do canal, ciclo da água, o submarino, simulação elétrica, ... - geografia: colocar o país no mapa - jogos: xadrez, memória, ligue 4, sudoku ... - leitura: prática de leitura - outros: aprender a identificar as horas, quebra-cabeças com pinturas famosas, desenho vetorial,

one laptop per child - developers - desenvolvedores

desenvolvedores Sítio de desenvolvimento do One Laptop Per Child: Programa de desenvolvedores: Nota do software BTest: Imagem de auto-reinstalação: A versão estável mais recente da nossa imagem sempre pode ser encontrada aqui: streams/development/LATEST

schoolsplay - FRESHMEAT

Schoolsplay is a collection of educational activities for children. Schoolsplay resembles the approach taken by the Childsplay and Gcompris projects but is designed to be less like a collection of games. Because it's aimed at schools, it also provides data collection to produce reports about a child's results per activity. The data will be accessible to the teacher by means of an admin module. The design is modular and the activities and skins are grouped in packages

Welcome to the schoolsplay project What's schoolsplay "schoolsplay" is a new project based on childsplay and it will become a program that offers various educational activities and the "fun and games" activities currently found in childsplay. Schoolsplay tries to address the design problems in childsplay by using a more object oriented (OO) design. This will make schoolsplay more robust and scalable as well as allow for easier customization by the user. In addition to the design considerations schoolsplay will also add extensive data collecting, per user, to the various activities. The database used to store this data can be any SQL based database as schoolsplay support all the major databases like SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, and Oracle. Because the two kind of activities needed a different GUI it was decided to split the activities in two packages. The two packages are named Schoolsplay and Childsplay_sp. Childsplay_sp: This is the program which was released in the past as 'schoolsplay' and it has a number of the childsplay games. This program will eventually get all the games currently found in the 'old' childsplay. The '_sp' suffix is added to differentiate between this childsplay version and the old childsplay program. The package is available for download through the download section. Cognitionplay: This is a variant of Childsplay_sp but tailored to be used in a hospital to treat patients with mental diseases. The differences is mainly in the selection of activities, looks and sounds. The patients would be older or elderly people so the look and feel is less 'childish' than in Childsplay_sp. The development of this variant is done in cooperation with a therapist from a Austrian clinic. The package is available for download through the download section. Schoolsplay: This version uses GTK as it's graphical frontend and is developed to run on the OLPC XO laptop. It will contain many activities that are suitable to be used in classrooms and will provide extensive data collecting and a multiuser environment with passwords. The target is the XO laptop but it will also run on any Python supported platform. The reason for targeting the XO laptop is that the OLPC project donated a laptop to develop an educational program like schoolsplay. More information and XO packages can be found at the OLPC schoolsplay page. Finally I would like to point out that everything in the schoolsplay project is licensed under the GPL version 3. Please keep in mind that Schoolsplay is still beta software. See the sourceforge project page for additional information and contact info.


Childsplay is a 'suite' of educational games for young children. It's written in Python and uses the SDL-libraries to make it more games-like then, for instance, gcompris. The aim is to be educational and at the same time be fun to play.

GCompris : I got IT

GCompris is a full featured educational application that propose different activities to children from 3 to 10. This is a GNU Package. It is designed in a way that makes it easy to add new boards.

tadeufilippini's TAGS related to tag education

aprendeclick +   brasil +   brasil ubuntu +   cd educacional +   cd educational +   child +   children +   children games +   childsplay +   computador +   computer +   criancas +   debian +   debian edu +   debian skolelinux +   design +   developers +   development +   edu +   edu kde +   edubuntu +   edubuntu kde +   educacional +   educacional cd +   education kde +   education ubuntu +   educational +   educational cd +   educativo +   educativo livecd +   euaqui +   free +   games +   games children +   gcompris +   gcompris sourceforge + +   gnu +   gnu linux +   jesus +   Jose +   k12 +   kde +   kde edu +   kde edubuntu +   kde education project +   kids +   KTurtle +   kubuntu +   laptop + +   linux +   linux edubuntu +   linux livecd +   linux windows +   livecd +   livecd educativo +   livecd linux +   Maria +   mit +   olpc +   one +   one laptop per child +   open source education foundation +   opensource +   oracle +   oracle thinkquest +   osef +   planeta +   planeta ubuntu +   planeta ubuntu brasil + +   project +   pt-br +   schoolsplay +   scratch +   Sismatech +   skolelinux +   skolelinux debian +   skolelinux ubuntu + +   software +   SoftwareLivre +   sourceforge +   sourceforge gcompris + +   tadeufilippini +   thinkquest +   thinkquest oracle +   ubuntu +   ubuntu brasil +   ubuntu education +   ubuntu planeta +   ubuntu planeta brasil +   ubuntu skolelinux +   view +   webdesign +   webplay +   windows +   windows linux +