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PUBLIC MARKS from tadeufilippini with tags education & edubuntu

June 2009

The KDE Education Project - KTurtle

KTurtle KTurtle Version 0.8 © 2003-2009 Cies Breijs KTurtle is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2. [ Description | Current Development | News | Screenshots ] Description KTurtle is an educational programming environment for the KDE Desktop. KTurtle aims to make programming as easy and touchable as possible, and therefore can be used to teach kids the basics of math, geometry and... programming. The programming language used in KTurtle is loosly based on Logo. KTurtle allows, just like some implementations of Logo, to translate the programming language (the commands, the documentation and the error messages) to native language of the programmer. For more information on translating KTurtle please read the translation how to. Translating the programming language to the native language of the programmer is one of the many ways KTurtle tries to make learning to programming more simple. Other features to help to achieve this goal are: intuitive syntax highlighting, simple error messages, integrated canvas to make drawings on, integrated help function, slow-motion or step execution, and more.

November 2008

Xubuntu | Ubuntu

Xubuntu is an official derivative of Ubuntu using the Xfce desktop environment. It is intended for users with less-powerful computers, or those that require a highly efficient desktop environment on faster systems. Xubuntu features primarily GNOME applications. Xubuntu Desktop When you start your system for the first time you'll see a desktop that is clean and tidy with and a default theme that is easy on the eye.

September 2007

KDE Education Project

by 1 other
eu aqui com o edubuntu gutsy gibbon tribe5 The KDE Education Project We are developing high-quality educational software for the K Desktop Environment. Our primary focus is on schoolchildren aged 3 to 18, and the specialized user interface needs of young users. However, we also have programs to aid teachers in planning lessons, and others that are of interest to university students and anyone else with a desire to learn! Please see the online slideshow and learn about our software! Have a look at the KDE-Edu improvements for KDE 3.5.

Edubuntu Screenshots

eu aqui com o edubuntu gutsy gibbon tribe5 Office Suite Schooltool Calendar Tux4Kids GCompris: I Have Understood The KDE Edutainment Suite The GNOME Desktop Environment

June 2007

Edubuntu Home Page

by 7 others
Linux for Young Human Beings "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Edubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to schools, through its customised school environment. The current version of Edubuntu is aimed at classroom use, and future versions of Edubuntu will expand to other educational usage, such as university use.