public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tehu with tags blog & delicious



Crooked Timber has migrated from MT to WordPress

3000 articles, 63000 comments, 1 lead developper, 2 pizzas, 1 pepsi pack... backend is now using XMLHttpRequest()

by 31 others
By the way, yet another Google App using it.


Next? Evan Williams leaves Blogger

Watch this space for updates. I'm actually looking forward to blogging a bit. Ya know, cuz I'll have the time. - version 1868.1

Obviously inspired by Lifeblog, the master said. Experimental, javascript intensive, snapshots... Very nice.

Dave Winer: A Diagnosis

Less offensive as you expect to read. You can lean towards his medical conclusion, unless you belong to the last bunch of DW's friends.

LAlex devblog v3.1

by 4 others
using a comment Flash form to generate HTML - how funky