April 2006
iCommons » Blog Archive » A Garden of Artistic Delights
It is appropriate then, that a collaboration of creative professionals in Taiwan has been formed under the name ‘Creative Commons Garden’ (ccGarden). ccGarden represents the singers, artists, writers, website content providers, film makers, law professors and media professionals of Taiwan who are committed to developing creative works which will be licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
2006 Blogger Bof (beta) | Bof 2.0, Blog 2.0, Web 2.0
繼去年成功的Blogger Event後,2006台灣Blog界盛事:「TW Blogger BoF 網誌青年運動會」活動,邀請國內外知名Blogger,趨勢意見領袖,觀察評論家,電子與平面媒體,技術專家等齊聚一堂。以輕鬆開講及對談方式,加強國內一般民眾對於Blog的認識,並促進Blog在台灣的普及應用!
March 2006
地圖 | 2006 Blogger Bof (beta)
2006 Blogger Bof的活動地圖,歡迎大家來瞧瞧!
2005年與BSP有關的大事件,還包括4月時蕃薯藤數位科技公司與樂多公司合作推出「Yam Blog樂多日誌」,雖然內容服務好像換湯不換藥,但至少多了一些後援,讓原本勢孤力單的樂多日誌如虎添翼,變得活動力十足,在暑假時舉辦了一場相當具創意又有話題性的活動「夏日的Blog傳說」,成功把部落格與生活相結合,又吸引了不少人加入部落客的行列。
February 2006
Taipei - New York Times
It's not just the hardware — the tallest building in the world (for now), Wi-Fi coverage over more than half the city and a speedy and expanding subway system — that is sophisticated. The people, too, embody all the complexities of a country that is at once forward-looking and historically aware, internationally plugged in but diplomatically isolated, and as multiculturally hybrid (influences include China, Japan and the United States) as it is full of hometown pride.
January 2006
Taiwan 2.0
這是一個『從高雄看台灣』的網站,從一個在地的高雄人的觀點,談台灣與高雄的政治、社會、教育與科技。如果,我們今天看到的是 1.0 版的台灣,你會如何期待 2.0 版的台灣?你希望台灣的現狀應該作些什麼改變,台灣的未來又應該是什麼樣子的?在這個網站中,我試著回答這些問題。
December 2005
根據研究機構Perseus的「Blog Survey」在九月份的數字指出,全球的部落客當中,女性佔的比例高達68.1%,接近七成的比例,而這個數字在今年四月份是56%。對於Blog成長數字我並不會感到太意外,Perseus估計,全球到今年底的部落格數量,將從去年的2100萬個成長一倍到5430萬個,對照自己身邊朋友加入Blog的速度,成長一倍我認為理所當然。但女性遠多於男性的比例,確實相當有趣。
Vista,藍色曼特寧是也。這是一個喜歡在藍色月光和小紅莓歌聲陪伴下筆耕的作者,不加糖不加奶精,只想給讀者更多的純粹想望。他同時也是Flickr Taiwan、棒球部落格大串聯等活動的發起人,有關他在部落格圈多采多姿的生命故事,敬請大家拭目以待。
TiVo travels to Taiwan
The company has signed a deal with TGC to make available digital video recorders with TiVo technology in Taiwan, it said. TCG is the company's partner in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. TiVo has a "significant minority interest" in TGC, it said.
November 2005
(14 marks)