May 2006
China sees 60 million bloggers by year's end | CNET
(via)China is the world's second-largest Internet market after the United States with more than 110 million users. A survey by Chinese search engine put the current number of blog, or Web log, sites at 36.82 million which are kept by 16 million people, the official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.
The number of Chinese bloggers is expected to hit 60 million by the end of this year, Xinhua said, quoting a report on China's media industry by the prestigious Tsinghua University.
March 2006
Study: Internet more popular than telly | | CNET
Men are the biggest Net users, averaging 172 minutes a day compared to 156 minutes a day for women. Shopping is one of the most popular online activities. And Londoners spend the most time and the most money on the Web, the story said.
YouTube to reconsider review process for 'objectionable' clips | | CNET
YouTube is rethinking the way it decides whether material posted on the video-upload site violates its user agreement, according to reports.
ヤフー、日本でも「Yahoo! 360?」を開始してSNSに本格参入 - CNET Japan
ヤフーは2月28日、ブログとソーシャルネットワーキングサービス(SNS)を組み合わせた新コミュニケーションサービス「Yahoo! 360°」(ベータ版)を開始した。米Yahoo!では、すでに2005年3月29日から開始されているベータサービスだ。
December 2005
TiVo travels to Taiwan
The company has signed a deal with TGC to make available digital video recorders with TiVo technology in Taiwan, it said. TCG is the company's partner in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. TiVo has a "significant minority interest" in TGC, it said.
November 2005
[特集] Web 2.0ってなんだ? - CNET Japan
by 1 otherブログ、ロングテール、AJAXなど現在のウェブ、いやインターネット上でホットなキーワードを結びつけているのが「Web 2.0」という概念だろう。
September 2005
(7 marks)