public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags bookmarks & ajax

June 2006

May 2006

Tagground - The social bookmarking mashup.

by 4 others
New Ajax social bookmark URL(you can see with what tags one have bookmarked you) and tag search. Says it will be adding more social bookmarking query services almost daily.

April 2006

metamark - web 2.0 bookmark glory

Aggregates and searches top social bookmarks

Adoppt: Make Friends, Have Fun

by 3 others
Adoppt is a community of online friends, diaries and journals, answers, bookmarks, photos... with tags and some ajax effects. It's very quick!


A digg, social bookmarks and wiki with thumbshots and Ajax, let's you synchonize with digg, and Reddit. -><a href="">Diggers</a> - Home: Top Overall Stories allows users to submit news stories, and other users to rate those stories based on four categories. Stories with enough ratings are displayed on the main pages, with the highest scores. A bit like digg without the comments.

March 2006

Web show case 2006 :::

by 1 other
Public bookmarks where everybody can submit, uses Ajax, looks a bit digg-style but does not have rating.

February 2006

feedmarker: Admin>import_opml

Import OPML File Note: this may take a while, because all your feeds will be updated at once. OPML filename Tags to apply to all imported feeds Note: if your feeds are organized in folders, Feedmarker will apply folder names as tags for each feed.

January 2006

November 2005