public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags links & list


Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.

by 1 other
Annotated link



Applied Software Project Management - Software Project Planning Practices

Software Project Management provides you with tools, techniques, and practices that you can use on your own projects right away.

Simply Google

by 40 others, 1 comment is the simple version of that has been de-googlized

Share Your OPML » Top 100 Feeds

by 24 others
To participate, create an account and upload an OPML file containing the content feeds that you read. Most feed readers like Bloglines, NewsGator, Rojo, Attensa, etc. store the feeds that you read in the OPML file format and can be exported. The feeds that are included in your OPML file are aggregated with feeds other people have uploaded. If you don’t know what all this stuff means, don’t worry.

RSS Feed Reader / News Aggregators Directory ::

Some RSS aggregators listed with a good short description