public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags software & maps


The KDE Education Project - Marble

Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas that you can use to learn more about Earth: You can pan and zoom around and you can look up places and roads. A mouse click on a place label will provide the respective Wikipedia article.


by 5 others
Mologogo is a free service that will track a friend's GPS-enabled cell phone from another phone or on the web. Mologogo also serves as a dirt-cheap tracking system, so go ahead and fauxjack something.

Loki — You Can Get There From Here

by 6 others
The Loki functionality is based on Skyhook Wireless WiFi Positioning System (WPS) which uses WiFi access points to triangulate a user's location. With WPS operating triangulation latitude/longitude, street, address, zip code, city, s


by 42 others
Frappr is an online tool that lets you map out a city. You can also share photos, private message them, or leave comments on their MyFrappr homepage. My city is invalid! What gives? Make sure you use the autocomplete popup box that shows up after you type a few letters. Then try alternate spellings (eg. St. vs Saint). If your city is small (pop. under 500) or new, it probably isn't in our database. We're also getting a lot of reports of missing Canadian, Australian, and Middle Eastern cities. Add to the City Request list.