public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags tags & folksonomy

June 2006

Powerhouse Museum Collection

Social search + tag gadgaets and hous supplies. This folksonomy is being tested to learn how the general public and museum users might help classify objects for each other - without the rigid structures of traditional museological taxonomies.

March 2006

Folksonomies: Tags Strengths, Weaknesses And How To Make Them Work - Robin Good's Latest News

by 2 others
* Misspelt tags (e.g., libary, libray) * Badly encoded tags, such as unlikely compound word groupings (e.g.,TimBernersLee) * Tags that do not follow convention in issues such as case and number; singular versus plural form (e.g., apple, apples) * Personal tags that are without meaning to the wider community (e.g., mydog) * Single-use tags that appear only once in the database. (e.g., billybobsdog)

February 2006

Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags?

by 9 others
In order to understand how we can make tags more searchable it is important to understand users and why they submit certain tags. At this time, little is known about the decision-making process behind tag selection, and quantitative data is relatively scarce. One useful approach might be to examine users' motivations when adding tags, see why they decide on particular words, observe how many tags they add and compare how the same items are classified by different users. It might also be helpful to see how feedback affects tag use and how users modify tags in the light of the behaviour of others. However, such studies take time and resources.