public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from znarf with tags xml & php


Netvibes: Web Developer: PHP

Netvibes is hiring a PHP developer to work on the Netvibes widget platform.


Web Developer : PHP/Javascript

Netvibes is hiring 2 web developers to work on the Netvibes widget platform.




by 10 others
MiniXML provides a simple, API to generating and parsing XML. Its advantages are ease-of-use and the fact that no additional libraries are required. It comes with two independant implementations, 100% PHP and 100% Perl, which you can use seperately.


ARC RDF/XML Parser creates an array of triples from RDF/XML. The functionality is limited, ARC is meant to stay lightweight.

Instant XML with PHP and PEAR::XML_Serializer

by 2 others
These days, XML has become part of landscape in most all areas of software development -- none more so than on the Web. Those using common XML applications, such as RSS and XML-RPC, will probably find public domain libraries geared specifically to help them work with the formats, eliminating the need for wheel re-invention.


Using PHP 5's SimpleXML

by 1 other (via)
Plus simple. Plus lent?