Elvish Name Translations
by blackgoldfishtracy = Teresa
(English Translation) Harvester
(Elvish Translation) Yáviel (Yah-vee-ell)
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply
by blackgoldfish"Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit."
your message here
by blackgoldfish (via)inspired by industrial letter signs, multi colored text, and everyday sayings... we made our own marquee sign out of wood. now the fun part begins, we want to collect your messages to post on the sign. we're not looking for insightful proverbs, but rather ordinary, simple sentiments.
some of the great ideas:
# You are loved.
# you make my heart go boom boom boom.
# I wish I was a dinosaur!
# you're gonna make it after all
by blackgoldfish「其實投資女人是最划算的,尤其是投資一個好人,有這樣經歷的男人一定會同意我的看法。女人是奇妙的生物,當你真心打動她之後,她就會不斷地為你付出,直到終老一生。想一想,你只是花一點時間陪她去吃飯、看場電影,送一些可愛的小禮物,說些能打動她的話,告訴她你將會帶給她如何一個美好的人生,幫她打蟑螂,偶爾搬搬粗重的東西…這零零總總加起來,了不起是兩年、三年的時間(比較高竿的一年以內)。換來的是什麼呢?」
by blackgoldfishThe Professional > 這個殺手不太冷 > This Hit Man Is Not as Cold as He Thought
Good Will Hunting > 驕陽似我 > Bright Sun, Just Like Me
Dead Poets Society > 暴雨驕陽 > Bright Sun in Heavy Rain
As Good as It Gets > 貓屎先生 > Mr. Cat Poop
by blackgoldfish, 1 comment「Monday for wealth / Tuesday for health / Wednesday the best day of all / Thursday for crosses / Friday for losses / Saturday no luck at all」
Faces in Places
by blackgoldfish & 5 others"A photographic collection of faces found in everyday places."
by blackgoldfish"Come rain or shine, the SKY Umbrella always offers clear blue skies inside. [...] If you live in the Pacific Northwest, this is the only way to stay happy when it rains."
by blackgoldfish我當時的樣子是這樣的... ... 呆了五秒鐘... ... 然後叫:「你仲記得我腫咗呀?!」
妹妹:「係呀,你打電話講你腫咗.... (審視我的眼睛)... 你而家無事啦?」
There's something in the water
by blackgoldfish (via)V Water 是一種在英國的飲料產品,由Notting Hill研製出來,內中儲藏的是由愛爾蘭來的新鮮泉水,再加上不同由各種蔬菜與水果中得來的維他命與礦物質。
土 法 炮 製 警 匪 劇
by blackgoldfish「結 果 , 我 們 一 班 契 弟 全 被 拉 上 差 館 , 當 年 我 們 出 入 差 館 都 不 知 多 少 次 , 真 的 神 經 病 , 但 香 港 人 電 影 電 視 的 成 就 , 全 部 就 是 這 樣 博 回 來 。 」