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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 2006 & "artigo científico"

04 March 2006

APHID Parallel Game-Tree Search Library

by bcpbcp (via)
APHID is an acronym for Asycnhronous Parallel Hierarchical Iterative Deepening. The APHID game-tree search algorithm attempts to accomplish many goals: * to test out the viability of asynchronous search methods for parallel alpha-beta based search. * to develop an algorithm that works well across all hardware platforms and applications. * to implement a tool that can be easily inserted into legacy sequential search algorithms.

26 February 2006

Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags?

by bcpbcp & 9 others (via)
1. Introduction A folksonomy is a type of distributed classification system. It is usually created by a group of individuals, typically the resource users. Users add tags to online items, such as images, videos, bookmarks and text. These tags are then shared and sometimes refined. A general review of social bookmarking tools, one popular use area of folksonomies, was given in the April edition of D-Lib [1]. In the article the authors elaborate on the approach taken by social classification systems and the motivators behind tagging. They write, "...tags are just one kind of metadata and are not a replacement for formal classification systems such as Dublin Core, MODS, etc.... Rather, they are a supplemental means to organise information and order search results."

11 February 2006 - Bingo: A whole journal issue on videogames | International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal

by bcpbcp
Bingo: A whole journal issue on videogames Thursday, February 09 2006 Articles It's REALLY frustrating when you cannot get access to articles online. If you do game research, you know what I am talking about. I don't want to go into rant mode but let me just say: whenever you can, put the pdf online. I just accidentally run into a pdf version of the International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal, published on Spring 2005. It's dedicated in full to videogames and includes articles by such people as Chris Crawford, Janet Murray, Espen Aarseth, James Gee, Ian Bogost, Michael Mateas and many more. Stuff I haven't read by people I care. On a pdf file. Downloadable. Free for everybody. All over the world. This is great. This makes me happy. I actually may put down Animal Crossing DS just to take a look at this pdf. I am happy indeed.

19 January 2006

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last mark : 04/03/2006 13:15