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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "blog post" & fun

January 2006

Casual Game Design » The spacebar is all you need to have fun

by bcpbcp
A couple years back, I sent my mother an interactive Christmas card. The card was actually a little game. You played Santa and you were skiing down a hill. Along the hill were various obstacles and you had to jump over them by pressing the spacebar.

Raph’s Website » Masaya Matsuura’s foreword

by bcpbcp
the Japanese edition of A Theory of Fun for Game Design is out now. Masaya Matsuura was kind enough to write a foreword for this edition

Game/AI: Presentation Details

by bcpbcp
Starting on a full time AI job "in the industry" has been an interesting experience. My new secret project is very cool, and the AI is a lot of fun, but I had been very surprised by the sheer amount of engineering details that go into a game. All the stuff that you can just ignore when doing research - well, it all comes back, with a vengeance. :)

November 2005

October 2005

Cine merde - The Prisoner

by bcpbcp
The Prisoner was reportedly used as a training tool for Central Intelligence Agency agents.

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last mark : 29/01/2006 16:38