Blog Out Loud >> Connecting Through Creative Blogging
by blackgoldfish (via)love this mix of colors
you are my woman
by blackgoldfish"this painting is inspired by Garbo and Riley, the cats who share our home. And the title is a bit of an inside joke in our family. Riley seems to love Garbo, and of course in true cat fashion, she seems to want nothing to do with him...but we think she's just playing coy.
Secretly she loves him."
Bulletin board with shutters
by blackgoldfish"shutters were the perfect way to cover a bulletin board"
landscape rubber stamp set
by blackgoldfishby Yellow Owl Workshop - around USD 44 = HK352
http://curiosityshoppeonline.com/lastset.html - 36.5US
by blackgoldfish「兩年後,一座由正三角形錯落堆疊而成的三層樓高藝術館,將一躍成為台灣、亞洲最知名的建築之一。這棟由安藤忠雄再度為台灣設計的建築作品,蘊含什麼哲學?」
by blackgoldfish「新的市總圖本身就好像一個小城市一般,座落在西雅圖這個更大的城市中,每個人都可以在這個小城市裡找到喜歡的角落,西雅圖市總圖開館三年多,早已成為市民生活中不可或缺的重要空間。」
font: museo
by blackgoldfish"MUSEO ... it all started with my love for U. One day this uppercase letter U just came to me as an image in a daydream."