public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & html


Adobe Parfait

by Paykhan & 3 others
Project Parfait is now Creative Cloud Extract. Extract CSS, fonts, colors and export optimized images from a PSD, right from your browser.


by Paykhan & 6 others
Un outil responsive pour créer des structure HMTL/CSS en drag'n'drop


by Paykhan
Plugin photoshop pour générer du CSS3 depuis un calque.



by Paykhan
Jquery Masonry Style fluid

InK - Interface Kit

by jdrsantos
Ink is an interface kit for quick development of web interfaces, simple to use and expand on. It uses a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript to offer modern solutions for building layouts, display common interface elements and implement interactive features that are content-centric and user friendly for both your audience and your designers



by Paykhan
Nicescroll (as nice scroll for browsers) is a jquery (since 1.5) plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style. It supports DIVs, IFrames and document page (body) scrollbars. CF. ->


Webmail rendering in Firefox - Litmus

by nhoizey
"Not everyone realizes it, but depending on the web browser used to open your email in Hotmail, Gmail, and others, it can be rendered quite differently."

CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS

by nhoizey
For a project I am working on right now I needed to have really fast bar charts that don't need any plugins or rely heavily on JavaScript. This is why I've put together some bar charts in pure CSS.


Les standards HTML et CSS des origines à mercredi dernier

by nhoizey
"HTML et CSS : d'où ils viennent, comment ils sont apparus et pourquoi il faut du champagne cher pour les faire évoluer » The Real “Why XHTML” Discussion

by nhoizey
"Molly Holzschlag asked me if I’d try and clearly and simply explain why XML parsing is advantageous and why XHTML still is relevant. This was my answer."

Intégrateurs, montez au front (Stéphane Deschamps)

by nhoizey & 1 other
« le web [est] l’environnement de développement le plus hostile du monde [...]. Aucun autre environnement de développement n’est aussi compliqué, et en même temps aussi facilement cassé chez le client. »

SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers

by parmentierf & 9 others (via)
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

actionscript +   apache +   css +   ergonomie +   extension +   extensions +   firefox +   flash +   framework +   htaccess +   html +   libre +   livre +   logiciel +   logiciel libre +   mozilla +   navigateur +   à lire +   outils +   photoshop +   php +   ponsfrilus +   recherche +   Responsive +   ressources +   rewrite +   serveur +   serveur web +   tutoriel +   ux +   web +   webdesign +   webdev +   xml +   xsl +  

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last mark : 22/12/2014 10:56

last mark : 10/03/2014 19:28

last mark : 05/09/2013 09:34

last mark : 24/11/2010 10:25

last mark : 13/07/2010 08:23

last mark : 16/07/2009 15:24