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PUBLIC MARKS with tags download & howto


WordPress › PDO (SQLite) For WordPress « WordPress Plugins

by sylvainulg (via)
for those who don't want to mess up their SQL setup just for installing wordpress... referer also says to "define('DB_TYPE', 'sqlite');" ...


🎧 France Culture - Blog - La saison Science Publique : 2009-2010 - Partie 1/2 - En quête de science - Telecharger avex

by decembre
Pour télécharger les émissions de cette page, installez le module downloadhelper pour firefox. Lancez une lecture, le fichier devient alors téléchargeable. .... Le blog de Science Publique vous propose d'écouter ou de réécouter toutes les émissions de Science Publique de la saison 2009-2010 en remontant dans le temps. Vous pouvez également retrouver les présentations de chaque émission, vos commentaires et toutes les vidéos réalisées pour les accompagner sur la page de chaque émission en cliquant sur son titre.


Documentation Ubuntu fr téléchargeable - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by camel & 4 others
Documentation Ubuntu fr téléchargeable - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.


CyberNotes: Monitor File And Registry Changes When Installing Applications - CyberNet News: Hardware, Downloads, Gadgets...Technology Done Right!

by cascamorto
Many times I am skeptical about installing new applications because I don’t know what they will end up doing to my computer. You just never know what the result is going to be but if you don’t try out new applications then you could be missing out on some great tools. When I install certain applications I want to know everything that went on during the installation process. That way if I choose to uninstall the program later I’ll know exactly what it had created or modified. To do the monitoring I use InCtrl5 which is a small freeware program.


by slogoo & 8 others
GookBox存储音乐到Gmail邮箱, 并直接在POP3邮箱中播放.

Apple - Boot Camp

by slogoo & 13 others
于其看着大量hacker冲击这个领域直到前段时间颇有成果了,apple还是忍不住先下手为强了,这是桌面电脑到目前为止,很具有里程碑意义的一刻。 和这一刻有关的是一个叫做Boot Camp的软件,可以

Guide: Downloading and converting Youtube videos. at Blank Thoughts

by Hydragon & 3 others, 1 comment
This guide will show you how to download videos from Youtube and convert them to MPEG or AVI. Have the URL of the Youtube video you are wishing to download handy, open, click on the “Youtube” tab. Enter the URL in the box provided. It will create an output URL, simply right click “Download Link” and select “Save target as” or whatever the equivalent in your choice of browser is.


by leaffael & 6 others
好象又是一个可以下google video的网站,上不去了啊~~~

The Link Inspector

by nealtech & 1 other (via)
Tutorials and howto about : Computer Hardware - Computer Software - Computer Security - Computer Maintenance - Net Technology - Internet Content

The Link Inspector

by cascamorto & 1 other
Tutorials and howto about : Computer Hardware - Computer Software - Computer Security - Computer Maintenance - Net Technology - Internet Content

Laboratoire Supinfo Microsoft

by cascamorto & 2 others
La Référence Absolue sur les Technologies Microsoft : Articles Séminaires Tips Outils FAQ XP Certification Logiciels pour administrateurs Glossaire White Papers Essentiels Scripts Windows

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