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PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & text


10 Tools for Evaluating Web Design Accessibility

by naudjf & 1 other
irefox Accessibility Extension is a Firefox toolbar that allows you to inspect every aspect of a web page to determine its accessibility. A helpful toolbar feature is the Text Equivalents menu which allows you to generate lists of elements su



SpellBound - Spellchecker for Firefox and the Mozilla Suite - Extention

by macroron & 2 others
a port of the spellchecker code and user interface from the Mozilla Suite's Composer that enables spell checking in web forms such as html textarea / input elements (html input password elements are not checked by SpellBound) and rich text form elements.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag firefox

application +   batch +   browser +   browsers +   cheatsheet +   cool +   dev +   development +   documentation +   download +   extensions +   games +   goodies +   guide +   hack +   hacks +   help +   howto + +   installation +   IP, +   ip-telefonie +   libre +   links +   mozilla +   online +   over +   Plug-in +   plugin +   reference +   skype +   software +   sudoku +   themes +   tips +   toolbar +   tricks +   tutorial +   useful +   voice +   voicemail +   webdev +  

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