public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags identity & feminism

01 December 2006

Trinh T. Minh-ha essay

by jlesage
Not You/Like You: Post-Colonial Women and the Interlocking Questions of Identity and Difference, by Trinh T. Minh-ha

20 November 2006

American Lesbian Photography - Home

by jlesage
"aim is to provide an overview over those lesbian photographers that took pictures of lesbians, and .. to discuss their photography in relation to the time in which they worked"

19 November 2006

Self/Person/Personal Identity Bibliographies

by jlesage
From philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience: Identity, Consciousness, Knowledge, Pathologies of the Self, Personalism, Narrative, Gender, Medical Ethics, Embodiment, Social Construction, Ethics, Politics, Law, Medicine. . .

02 November 2006

"Cyberfeminism with a difference" by Rosi Braidotti

by jlesage
an important essay building on the work of Donna Haraway, emphasizing the kinds of empoverishment that come with globalization, and the possibilities for new forms of collective identity in cyberspace, while eschewing utopianism.

Radical Graphics

by jlesage
large collection organized by thematic and political categories; useful for office door poster, flyer, or demonstration

Place: Cultural, Disability, Ethnic, Media, Postcolonial, Race Studies

by jlesage
huge multi-page database of links on space and place in cultural geography as applicable to interdisciplinary studies

05 October 2006

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last mark : 01/12/2006 00:24