public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags identity & internet


Heartbleed, The First Security Bug With A Cool Logo | TechCrunch

by sbrothier
It’s been fascinating to watch news of heartbleed, the massive OpenSSL exploit, spread on the web. After years of quietly putting us at risk, the general web user became aware of the exploit only a few days ago, and probably via




jlesage's reviews

by jlesage
my tagcloud from stumbleupon; just discovered I could import my delicious tags and comments there. Stumbleupon is my newest obsessively visited site.

Google Page Creator

by jlesage & 4 others
google tool for helping a person create their own web page and store it free online; very simple interface


by jlesage & 2 others
"ShopWiki actively crawls more than 180,000 online stores to ensure you’ll find the products you want at the best prices." For a class looking at web2.0 apps, it's the kind of thing students would enjoy playing with.


by jlesage
a cultural studies ejournal, with essays on literature and film; fall 06 issue is on blogging theories and practices.

Cyberstudies webring

by jlesage
collection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences

ArtLex on New Media

by jlesage
entry in big art site has many links and hypertext connections to trace out; useful

creativebits | mac design community

by jlesage & 4 others
a professional blog and community site for graphic designers working on Mac OS X


by jlesage & 1 other
social bookmarking portal lets users share expertise on some subject; room for author's comments and explanations; more discursive than delicious; less writing than a blog; see "Visual Thinking," also "Ephemeral Films"

Geoff Stahl - Still 'Winning Space?': Updating Subcultural Theory

by jlesage
deals with the impact of computer mediated communication on subcultural theory; refutes role of "authenticity"; good overview of shifts in field

Internet history

by jlesage & 1 other
on other pages, find history of other important Internet developments, such as Google and PayPal

Knowing Knowledge

by jlesage
useful summary by George Siemens of his ideas from new book; educators need to rethink all ideas about knowledge, education, and learning for young people growing up in the Internet era

Henry Jenkins: Taking the You Out of YouTube?

by jlesage
what kinds of censorship face You Tube and My Space, in addition to the site's ownership of content?

archive : s0metim3s | Undercommons 2.0 | October | 2006

by jlesage
Andrew Ross: “Technology and Below-the-Line Labor in the Copyfight over Intellectual Property” (American Quarterly, 58:3, 2006).

The Mirror Project: Adventures in Reflective Surfaces

by jlesage & 4 others
collection of images from people who photographed themselves in reflective surfaces; since this is a favorite tactics of lovers of light, many images are well composed and intriguing

Active users

last mark : 10/04/2014 07:36

last mark : 15/10/2008 12:54

last mark : 17/10/2007 19:32

last mark : 05/12/2006 20:26

last mark : 28/11/2006 00:05

last mark : 06/11/2006 12:50