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Okada Morihiro par Jean-Pierre Réniez | Kenbukan – Club de Kendo et Iaïdo Saint Quentin Picardie

by sbrothier
Le jour de Pâques 1984, un grand maître s’est éteint à l’age de quatre-vingt-douze ans, après avoir réalisé tous ses rêves de budoka. Les dernières années de sa vie furent bouleversées par l’arrivée de trois Français, qui se dévouèrent à l’étude du budo. Parmi eux, Jean-Pierre Réniez. C’était encadré de sa » garde française » que le senseï Okada Morihiro se déplaçait. De retour en France, Jean-Pierre Réniez voulut rendre hommage à celui qui fut son maître et un peu son père. Bushido lui a ouvert ses colonnes pour lui permettre de raconter la vie de senseï.


The truth behind swordsmanship | [ ]

by Takwann
"when two people come together and fight with swords, the feeling of striking a particular area will arise in your opponent. At that time, you should give your entire body over to your opponent. At the exact moment when they see their chance and attempt to strike you should strike them and win…. this is real victory."

The white hakama of Yushinkan | [ ]

by sbrothier & 1 other
This article deals only with one such thing: the origin of the use of white dogi (hakama in particular). I’ve heard a lot of explanations for its use, from the ordinary to the mystical, with people sometimes even arbitrarily defining rules for wearing white. This occurs even in Japan. However, the reason for its initial introduction is as mundane as it can be, despite what connotations people may or may not give it now.

Martial Arts of Japan:

by sbrothier The Classical Martial Arts Resource

Suigen Dojo

by sbrothier
Cours tous les jeudis au Suigen Dojo de 19 h à 20 h 30 à la Salle de sports du Petit Houx à Azé, Loir et Cher (41100). Le Suigen Dojo est affilié à la Fédération Française de Battodo. L’enseignement au sein de la Fédération Française de Batto do provient de la transmission faite par 2 remarquables sensei (maîtres) japonais à Bernard Durand Sensei (7e dan kyoshi de kendo, 7e dan de batto do, 5 dan de iaido) fondateur de la Fédération Française de Batto do

Suigen Dojo sur Vendôme Associations le site des associations du vendomois

by sbrothier
Le Suigen Dojo est affilié à la Fédération Française de Battodo. L’enseignement au sein de la Fédération Française de Batto do provient de la transmission faite par 2 remarquables sensei (maîtres) japonais à Bernard Durand Sensei (7e dan kyoshi de kendo, 7e dan de batto do, 5 dan de iaido) fondateur de la Fédération Française de Batto do

[ ] | - Kendo related news, discussion, and images -

by sbrothier
The idea behind this website is to provide a collaboratively produced kendo (and its relatated arts) blog. Many people from all parts of the world can provide information on whats happening in their area as well as writing about all types of kendo-related articles.

Kendo Kata: General Infomation on Kata

by Takwann
So kendo kata definitely contains old style kenjutsu moves and they are different from kendo with shinai (shinai kendo). That is why we have to learn these forms. Maybe because kata does not seem very practical to many people for shinai kendo, many people see kata as something they have to do for their promotion exam (grading). But as all the high rank senseis say, it must be studied more often than it is now.


My Thoughts on Honte and Gyakute - A discussion by Nishioka Sensei. Jodojo 11 Apr 04

by Takwann
This writing describes the terms “Junte” and “Gyakute”, and in Iaido the corresponding terms are “Juntou” and “Sakatou”. In Jodo we have “Honte” which corresponds to “Kirite” in Kendo. These words are different for each art. There are 3 ways to take Kamae (or stance) with the hips: front on, side on, and in between. These stances naturally have their own names as well. Particularly in Jodo, there are two ways to grip things - Honte and Gyakute. To understand Honte and Gyakute, one must perfectly explain these things, internalise these techniques, and put them into practice. So even if you understand these words, it is a different matter to be able to perform them properly or not. Matsuoka Sensei wrote in his book that even when one looks up these terms in the dictionary it is still difficult to understand. Since the time I came to comprehend SMR Jodo, I realised the carelessness about these issues (both of my myself and others). Therefore, I would like to explain my style.

Waki-no-kamae - Wikipédia

by Takwann
Waki-gamae (脇構:わきがまえ, Waki-gamae?), quelques fois raccourci en waki, est l'une des cing gardes au kendo avec jōdan, chūdan, gedan, et hassō Waki-gamae est une garde dans laquelle le pratiquant "cache" la longueur de sa lame derrière son propre corps, ne révélant à l'adversaire que la poignée (tsuka). Cette garde était commune dans le passé - où il n'y avait pas de standard de longueur de lame. Elle jouait un rôle dissuasif face à un adversaire qui ignorait l'arme dissimulée, et s'approchait donc d'une technique de bluff.

Hassō-no-kamae - Wikipédia

by Takwann
Hassō-no-kamae (八相(八双)の構, はっそうのかまえ?), couramment simplifié en hassō, et quelques fois appelé hassō-gamae, est l'une des cinq gardes du kendo, avec jōdan, chūdan, gedan, hassō, and waki. Hasso est une garde offensive, le nom hassō "signifiant toutes les (huit) directions", vu que cette gardes permet de répondre à un danger, peu importe la direction d'où il vient. Waki and hassō ne sont généralement pas utilisé en kendo morderne et ne se retrouvent que dans les katas (kata 4).

Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors

by Takwann
KIAI is a non-profit association founded to improve the communications among kenjutsu instructors worldwide. Members of KIAI are instructors of Japanese sword arts from various styles, schools and associations, who teach all nihonto-related martial arts, including koryu and gendai kenjutsu, kendo, iaijutsu, iaido, batto-do, goshido, chanbara, shinkendo, aiki-boken, ninja-ken, and various other forms of Japanese swordsmanship. KIAI membership is free. KIAI organizes national, reginal and international seminars and competitions.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag kenjutsu

aikido +   aikiken +   Alain Robert +   arme +   batto-do +   budo +   Daniel Leclerc +   dojo +   dvd +   Fei +   gyakute +   honte +   huchite +   iaido +   Jaff Raji +   jodo +   kendo +   kiri-otoshi +   kirite +   Muso Shinden Ryu +   Nishioka Tsuneo +   Pascal Krieger +   Shinto Muso Ryu +   Tiki Shewan +   video +  

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