public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag mobility


International Training Institute for Mobility

by crypticcyco
Institute dedicated to finding new and eco-friendly solutions to modern mobility issues


oauth-adapter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Xavier Lacot
A pure js library for adding OAuth authentification capacities to Titanium Mobile applications - articles - Native vs Html5 Mobile Applications

by Xavier Lacot
Clients actually demand native apps even while most of them could easily be implemented using html5. As my background is in web application engineering, this breaks my heart.

Mobile Developer Survey, June 2010 | Appcelerator

by Xavier Lacot
Appcelerator surveyed 2,733 developers from June 15-17, 2010. This survey goes into detail on the perceptions for each of the six major OS platforms: Apple (iOS), Google (Android), Palm/HP (webOS), Microsoft (Phone 7), Nokia (Symbian/Meego) and RIM (BlackBerry).


PUSHmobilemedia® - Brands - Marks - Copyrights and TM

by dclemons
Branding Document PUSHmobilemedia® is a global mobile media company, specializing in delivering “rich mobile media” solutions to the publishing industry. ....for the MOBILE RACE( TM) PushMobi™ is a baseline tool that allows the publisher full rights to produce as much or as little content as they see fit for their mobile subscribers. The data or mobile magazine is stored at the hosting services named, a secure data center based on industry partnerships of GoDaddy and Akamai. MobileAgent™ Based on the open source code project – MobileAgent™, we detect the user’s mobile phone unit and bandwidth prior to sending the desired file. PushVDO™ a more advanced publishing service such as video, the ultimate rich media pushed to mobile phones. Owned by

2006 | Your Digital Life, Anywhere™

by metropol & 92 others, 1 comment
A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind.


Lifeblog: Mobile was nowhere at Les Blogs - why?

by smudie
"I think everyone understands the things that can be done with the mobile, but the view is as a little PC, not as a something with specific benefits, strongly tied to pocketability and mobility and usability."

Active users

last mark : 17/03/2015 12:17

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 10/07/2010 13:51

last mark : 12/08/2007 03:20

last mark : 09/11/2006 09:29

last mark : 06/04/2006 08:28

last mark : 27/03/2006 09:59

last mark : 13/03/2006 10:58

last mark : 05/03/2006 01:43

last mark : 18/08/2005 21:15

last mark : 19/05/2005 14:45

last mark : 18/05/2005 08:56