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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "open source" & fonctionnelle


Home - erjang - GitHub

by jpcaruana
Erjang is a virtual machine for Erlang, which runs on Java


scala-migrations - Project Hosting on Google Code

by jpcaruana (via)
Scala Migrations is a library to manage upgrades and rollbacks to database schemas. Migrations allow a source control system to manage together the database schema and the code using the schema. It is designed to allow multiple developers working on a project with a database backend to design schema modifications independently, apply the migrations to their local database for debugging and when complete, check them into a source control system to manage as one manages normal source code. Other developers then check out the new migrations and apply them to their local database. Finally, the migrations are used to migrate the production databases to the latest schema version. The Scala Migrations library is written in Scala and makes use of the clean Scala language to write easy to understand migrations, which are also written in Scala. Scala Migrations provides a database abstraction layer that allows migrations to target any supported database vendor.

osmos - Google Code

by jpcaruana (via)
Osmos provides on-disk ordered key-value tables for Erlang, based on a sort-merge machine with user-defined merging semantics. This allows a very high volume of updates to be handled efficiently while still supporting a variety of useful operations with transactional safety, e.g., adding to a counter, taking the union of sets, or simply replacing a record. Osmos is ideal for situations where updates are much more frequent than queries, for example, collecting statistics for reporting, and periodically generating reports.


by jpcaruana
ScalaTest is a free, open-source testing tool for Scala and Java programmers. It is written in Scala, and enables you to write tests in Scala to test either Scala or Java code. It is released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.

flatula - Google Code

by jpcaruana
flatula is a simple "write-once" database for Erlang that provides an easy way to remember a piece of data, then look it up later using a compact identifier. See FlatulaHowTo for a brief introduction and tutorial.

mochiweb - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.

plists - Google Code

by jpcaruana
plists is a drop-in replacement for the Erlang module lists, making most list operations parallel. It can operate on each element in parallel, for IO-bound operations, on sublists in parallel, for taking advantage of multi-core machines with CPU-bound operations, and across erlang nodes, for parallizing inside a cluster. It handles errors and node failures. It can be configured, tuned, and tweaked to get optimal performance while minimizing overhead.



by jpcaruana & 3 others (via)
Tsung is an open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool

erlaws - Google Code

by jpcaruana & 1 other (via)
Erlaws is a collection of client implementations of Amazon's WebServices offerings. Currently there are clients for S3, SQS and SDB.

RubyForge: Erlectricity: Information sur le projet

by jpcaruana (via)
Erlectricity exposes Ruby to Erlang and vice versa. It provides a messaging API similar to Erlang's for writing your ruby scripts that interact with erlang

sgte - Google Code

by jpcaruana (via)
sgte is an Erlang template Engine for generating structured output (code, html web pages, xml, emails, csv files, etc...).

erlmail - Google Code

by jpcaruana
ErlMail is a complete email solution written in Erlang. It contains (or will contain) full RFC compliant SMTP, IMAP and POP clients and servers written in a modular fashion to allow others to use the modules in their own projects.


Extreme Forge

by jpcaruana & 1 other
The aim of this project is to create a development environment for Extreme Programming in Erlang.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open source"

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last mark : 03/02/2010 17:14