public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags theory & edublogs

November 2006

Connectivism Blog

by jlesage & 1 other
a new theory of education and learning, for a digital Internet culture

September 2006

Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community? at The Knowledge Tree

by jlesage
theoretical discussion of the different ways blogs join those with potentially common interests

July 2006

June 2006

bgblogging--barbara ganley

by jlesage
important and well written edublog. "An active implementer of new media and social software into literature and writing classrooms, my special interests include digital storytelling as a means of academic discourse and integrated web technologies as a veh

2 Cents Worth

by jlesage
changing nature of information now

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

by jlesage
important and well written edublog

teach and learn

by jlesage
8th grade teacher who incorporates blogging; substantive discussions of the learning processes as enhanced by blog writing

Pedablogy: Musings on the Art & Craft of Teaching

by jlesage
thoughtful meditations on pedagogy from an economics teacher

CultureCat | Rhetoric and Feminism

by jlesage & 1 other
one of the most important edubloggers, engaging and well written blog

film teacher and lit

by jlesage & 1 other
writes on blogs, educational technology; well written and engaging


by jlesage
major portal site

Michael Farris Blog

by jlesage
useful annotated bibliography of his research materials


by jlesage & 1 other
lbrarians encourage academic blogging

citizen book reviewers

by jlesage
Lisa Erde explains why reviewers on Amazon have a democratic cultural influence

May 2006

Active users

last mark : 20/11/2006 16:05