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PUBLIC MARKS with tags use & web


High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance

by greut & 1 other

A quick survey shows that seven of the Alexa U.S. top ten web sites have a SCRIPT tag above their stylesheets or STYLE blocks: AOL, Facebook, Google, Bing, MSN, MySpace, and Yahoo!. These web sites don’t currently use @font-face, but if they did, they would experience the IE blocked rendering problem. This raises the concern that other web sites that are early adopters of @font-face have a SCRIPT tag above @font-face and their IE users run the risk of experiencing blocked rendering.

Tornado Web Server Documentation

by greut

Tornado comes with limited support for WSGI. However, since WSGI does not support non-blocking requests, you cannot use any of the asynchronous/non-blocking features of Tornado in your application if you choose to use WSGI instead of Tornado's HTTP server. Some of the features that are not available in WSGI applications: @tornado.web.asynchronous, the httpclient module, and the auth module.

in other words: WSGI sucks

Are you building an everyday app? (the LinkedIn problem) - Bokardo

by greut

In general, most people think they’re building an everyday app, but they’re not. When the actual use patterns are discovered, most apps will be used every few days or less. Designers have to ask themselves a very hard question: “How often are people really going to use our web application?”.


Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder | Technology |

by greut, 2 comments

"One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control," he said. "It's just as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software."

Should I stop using Blogmarks?

Ultimate multi-column liquid layouts (em and pixel widths)

by greut & 4 others

This series of layouts use pixel and em widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. They're also 'stackable' so you can use multiple column types on the one page.

liquid layout for the win!


GenshiTutorial - Genshi - Trac

by greut

This tutorial is intended to give an introduction on how to use Genshi in your web application, and present common patterns and best practices.

very interesting template language.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag use

abuse +   amazon +   blindness +   blog +   code +   css +   daily +   deaf +   design +   disabilities +   disbaled +   how +   howto +   http +   image +   introduction +   iphone +   link +   performance +   py +   python +   safari +   server +   Stallman +   template +   tutorial +   web +   work +   wsgi +  

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