September 2006
Dapper: The Data Mapper
by jackiege & 7 others******A service that allows anyone to create an API for any website without needing to program.
August 2006
MochiMention: Because what others think does matter
by jackiegeA tool that lets you place ratings or comments on any page whether it's database driven or not. The automentions feature allows adding ratings to anything dynamic, such as blog posts, photo albums, or items on an e-commerce site.
July 2006
Snipplr - Code 2.0
by jackiege & 19 others (via)Snipplr gives you a place to store and organize all the little pieces of code that we use everyday at work and in our own projects. Best of all, it lets you share with other coders and designers. Did we mention it works with TextMate, too? It's code 2.0.
June 2006
Tagyu :: Automatically categorize the web
by jackiege & 11 others托管服务通过检测文件的关键词/标签/分类自动生产文件的元数据,自动提供广告的语义相关性和内容分类
MuseStorm - The Web 2.0 Gateway
by jackiege & 11 others (via)选择各种Web2服务作为widgets加载到blog和网站上,内容丰富,也无需ajax/jsp/api等常识
May 2006
(6 marks)