October 2012
OCTO talks ! » Accessibilité des applications mobiles
by 1 otherLes technologies évoluent également : zoom, synthèse et commande vocale, détection des éléments sur l’écran… Voyons comment nous pouvons améliorer nos applications mobiles pour tirer partie de ces avancées et en faire bénéficier ceux qui en ont besoin.
June 2012
Accessibility for Web developers. No more excuses. | Drupal motion
I recognize that I'm uneducated about web accessibility "a11y" except some generic best practices like adding alt attribute to images. I tend to create some lame excuses to delay learning about it.
But I had enough of this, so I thought why not to ask to Everett Zufelt. I asked him about the "Top 5 accessibility annoyances that Web developers do". More specifically, I asked him about those things that makes him imagine bad things happening to the family of the developer :)