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PUBLIC MARKS from Spone with tags plugin & javascript



Chosen - a JavaScript plugin for jQuery and Prototype - makes select boxes better

by 9 others
Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.


Tweet! Put Twitter on your site with this simple, unobtrusive jQuery widget

by 2 others
put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery.


jQuery Masonry · David DeSandro

by 8 others
Masonry is a layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically then horizontally according to a grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.

Audivid | jQuery Plugins

Provides functions for HTML5's audio and video tags.


by 8 others
jParallax has had a major overhaul in readiness to be released as version 1.0! Layers are now freezable – the last feature I wanted to implement – and the code is more j and compact. I've been really encouraged by all the great comments, so thank you everyone! I just need you to road test the demos and tell me that it's still working in your browser, and then I'll stick a 1.0 on it.

jQuery maxImage plugin: Demo

by 3 others
This plugin will resize and scale targeted images to their max width according to the image ratio, the browser size and some simple options. Change the size of your browser to see it's effect.

xLazyLoader - ajaxsoft - Lightweight js, css and images loader - Google Code

by 2 others
a jQuery plugin that lets you asynchronously load resources such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. Quite useful if you want to head of and load some CSS to do something custom and you need the callback.

jQuery plugin: Autocomplete

by 2 others (via)
Autocomplete an input field to enable users quickly finding and selecting some value, leveraging searching and filtering.


jQuery SVG Demo

This plugin allows you to manipulate the SVG from JavaScript.

Ariel Flesler: jQuery.Preload

This is an advanced multi-functional preloader, that has 4 modes integrated. Each mode suits a different, common situation.

Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery

by 10 others
Lazy loader is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript. It delays loading of images in (long) web pages.

CrossSlide - A jQuery plugin to create pan and cross-fade animations

by 7 others
CrossSlide is a jQuery plugin that implements in Javascript some common slide-show animations, traditionally only available to the web developer via Adobe Flash™ or other proprietary plugins. CrossSlide builds upon jQuery's animation facility, so it is as portable across browsers as jQuery itself (a lot.)

Matt Oakes

The jQuery Slideshow Plugin is a very simple slideshow addon for jQuery with no frills and with the simple job of flicking between any number of images after a set delay. The delay can be set to whatever is required and when it is reached the image will fade into the next one.

InnerFade with jquery

by 14 others
InnerFade is a small plugin for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library. It's designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images, list-items, divs. Simply produce your own slideshow for your portfolio or advertisings. Create a newsticker or do an animation.

Plugins | jQuery Plugins

by 1 other
Based on reflection.js, but done in the jQuery style. Includes support for inline options for compatibility with reflection.js markup, but also handles options in the jQuery way.


by 4 others, 1 comment
This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly. It's a simpler version of WYMeditor with much less features. With a small file size less than 17Kb 26Kb total and only 9Kb 18Kb of code and 7Kb packed, the main concept is to keep it simple, not all users need font coloring or create tables, just the basic.