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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags blog & "web 2.0"


Fancy More Friends and Money?

Looking for a reliable network to socialize? Fret not because with sociableblog available, your needs for socializing is taken care of. This Social Networking Blog has more than a thousand readers and about 750 people from different countries following this social network. Sociableblog boasts about its ability to provide the latest news, articles, and even videos on social networking all around the world.


Almost 30 percent of Internet users tag online

Tagging, the emblematic activity of the “Web 2.0″ and social computing era, appears destined for mainstream status, a new study concludes. Among U.S. Internet users, 28 percent have tagged online content like blog entries, photos, Web sites, video clips, and news articles, The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports in a study released Wednesday. On any particular day, 7 percent of users engage in this activity to categorize and label material they upload or find on the Web. Justen Deal, a manager in Los Angeles who tags news articles on sites like Slashdot, believes that as the use of tagging increases, it will give blogging and the Web in general a significant boost by making content easier to organize and discover.

Mashup Groups launches web 2.0 !

Mashup Groups has launched the directory of web 2.0 that contains more detailed information about their product, which help the internet community. The new portal webpage will feature graphic icons that easily navigate to various section of division of applications. Once the reader clicks on the icon, the section opens to reveal examples of product from that category The website contains the wide range of applications includes Web 2.0, Hybrid Application, Map, Map Area, Map Physical, RSS, Feed, API, Letter, Character, Number, Combination. The most elegant of application designs keeping the accent always on comfort, wearability and affordability by understanding the ever changing scenario of the software world. The software collection range from online to offline in various operating systems, styles, designs and combination.


Tech 2 Blog :: Thanks For The Add, And The Spyware :: October :: 2006

As intrepid Web users collect photos, videos and friends on social-networking sites, they could be opening themselves up to malicious software, according to a study published on Wednesday by the National Cyber Security Alliance and CA. More than 83% of adults who use sites like News Corp.’s MySpace, YouTube and Facebook admit downloading content from another user’s profile, and 74% say they give out personal information on these sites, according to the study.

Tech 2 Blog :: Young programmer on Google :: July :: 2006

When Narayan Newton, an Oregon State computer science student, received an e-mail from a prominent developer of Linux desktop applications, he expected it to be a complaint. “I’d submitted some bug reports,” he says. Instead, Newton was surprised to learn that the programmer, Duncan Mac-Vicar, would be his personal mentor for three months