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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags games & facts

13 September 2008 09:45

Trivia for Wii or iPod, anyone?

Remember the times when you have to sit in class and listen on things that doesn’t seem to be of real use in the practical world? I remember that I had to read up on all sorts of things for the sake of doing well for my General Paper. Ever wanted to put what you learned in school, and outside of it, to the test? Here’s how you do it: play trivia games! No kidding! It’s really challenging and fun! I love trivia. Movie Trivia especially. It feels good when you manage to get the questions right, doesn’t it? This is what I do when I get bored at work (psst! don’ let my boss know!), I log on to TriviaWorld to play The Trivia Table and Brain Ball. These are Trivia Games that tests your general knowledge (The Trivia Table) and you can also choose to compete with other players from all over the world through the Brain Ball!