public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags music & buy

December 2009

I Search Click Classifieds Buy & Sell Shop Online

With the internet, we no longer need to slowly flip through the pages on the newspaper to look for advertisement. Search for rentals, electronics appliances, phones and latest gadgets could easily be searched through the internet by a click of a mouse.

August 2008

Review N Buy Music and DVD's from home

Have you tried downloading music before? Only to find out that after all the waiting and downloading it was a waste of time because the file ended up corrupted or not the song you were looking for? I have been guilty of downloading songs from the internet, and quite frankly, I’m tired of pirating because it’s not fair to the people who put so much effort into the production.

July 2008

Smart Shoppers Review-n-Buy

Most people stereotype the weaker sex as fashion loving bimbos who don’t have much of a clue on technology. I beg to differ! Beyond my vain exterior, I really am a tech junkie inside. It’s just that I don’t want to embarrass myself by saying the wrong things in front of the tech experts, that’s all. What? You don’t believe me? Never mind, it’s self explanatory. Speaking of technology, I have been saving for some new tech toys like a new Digital Camera and an MP3 Player for quite some time. It’s hard to decide on what I should buy because I need to compare the products out there to make sure I get something that suits my needs without having to get ripped off. Now, being a smart shopper, like any lady is*cough*, I did my homework by researching for reviews before making my purchase.