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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "slim fast" & "slimfast shakes"

03 September 2008 20:15

Choosing the Right Diet

All my friends know I’m a diet freak. I don’t have bulimia, nor am I anorexic, in fact, I am a food lover! This is why I need to watch my food intake. I tried Slim Fast before, which is a meal plan that has healthful aspects like exercise and drinking 6-8 cups of water which is found in any weight loss plan. The Slim Fast shakes come in six packs with different flavors such as Cappuccino Delight, Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Rich Chocolate Royale, and Strawberries N’ Cream.Yummy! Actually, if you take in stuff that has Chitosan as an ingredient, it should act as an effective dieting tool. Chitosan is named after the fiber derived from the exoskeleton of shellfish and other crustaceans that act as a major source for blocking fats, ideal for after a meal which is heavy in fat because it can be consumed without worries by taking two tablets before the rich meal.