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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags gratuit & mac.os.x


NeoRouter - the network revolves around you™

Une solution complète pour gérer et se connecter à des PC à distance en VPN (Virtual Private Network), partager des fichiers, gérer les accès, le tout de façon sécurisée. Deux parties sont incluses : le Serveur et le Client. Installez les modules clients sur tous les ordinateurs qui pourront ainsi accéder au LAN sécurisé. Le module Serveur permet de gérer l'ensemble, authentifier les utilisateurs et les PC, gérer les comptes et les profils et gérer les échanges. Il peut être installé sur un serveur, un MediaCenter ou tout simplement sur un PC classique. Les utilisateurs du LAN Virtuel peuvent ainsi s'échanger des fichiers, se connecter aux uns et aux autres, le tout de façon cryptée et sécurisée, derrière un pare-feu. Le programme accepte l'ajout d'add-ons lui permettant de disposer de nouvelles fonctionnalités (exemple : PuTTY, UltraVNC...). Le programme est multi-plateformes, rapide et puissant. -- NeoRouter brings your digital world together and creates a network that revolves around you. Access home computers securely from anywhere Share photos and videos with friends and family Assist friends and family with computer problems remotely Protect your Internet traffic on public Wi-Fi hotspots Play network games

Boxee - Movies, TV Shows and Video from the Internet on your TV.

by 3 others
Boxee is the best way to watch movies, TV shows and clips from the Internet on your TV. Basically, you install our free software on an affordable computer, like a Mac Mini or Acer Revo, and connect it to your TV with an HDMI or DVI cord (depending on the computer you use). To navigate Boxee from your couch, you can use an Apple Remote or one of several PC-remotes available.


VideoLAN Movie Creator is a non-linear editing software for video creation based on libVLC and running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X!


XBMC Media Center

XBMC est LE centre de media par excellence vous permettant de gérer vos films, photos, musiques depuis votre PC (Windows, Linux) ou votre Mac. Grâce à son interface fluide et conviviale, découvrez les nombreuses fonctionnalités d’un des programmes les plus performant à ce jour … et en plus il est gratuit.


We're here to provide collaborative documentation of the MythTV project, an open source software Personal Video Recorder. It lets you build a box similar to a TiVo or ReplayTV, but much more powerful - and more easily modified.

CenterStage - The Macintosh Media Center Project

by 1 other
CenterStage is onsource project to build a powerful and intuitive media center application for the Apple Macintosh, this project was inspired by the launch of the Mac mini, an ideal Mac to use as part of a home theatre system.

Utiliser un équivalent de Windows Live Messenger sous Mac OS |

by 1 other
Pas facile de communiquer avec des utilisateurs de Windows Live Messenger quand on est sous Mac. Voici une sélection des principaux logiciels et solutions disponibles.


Logiciel d’accès à distance et de contrôle du bureau pour votre ordinateur

by 4 others
LogMeIn Free vous offre la flexibilité d'accéder et de contrôler vos ordinateurs à partir de n'importe où. C'est sécurisé, facile et gratuit. LogMeIn Rescue - Portez assistance à des PC, Mac et smartphones à distance via le Web sans installation logicielle préalable.

Je Suis Libre - -

by 2 others
J'ai créé ce site car j'avais du mal à trouver des applications (contributions) francophones pour GNU/Linux. Ce site référence les contributions libres des développeurs francophones pour BeOs,GNU/Linux, BSD, Unix, Mac Os, Windows et les Pockets. Pour que votre contribution soit acceptée par le modérateur, il faut que celle-ci (application, documentation) soit en français ainsi que son site web.


Partage du bureau TeamViewer

by 4 others
Avec TeamViewer vous pouvez connecter aux tous autres ordinateurs par l´internet et teleguider ces ordinateurs lorsque vous etes directement la. Persuadez-vous pourquoi nous avons 7.000.000 utilisateurs venant des quatre coins du monde. TeamViewer is now also available for Apple Mac OS X. The new TeamViewer for Mac even supports cross-platform access - so you are now able to connect to a Mac from your Windows machine and back!

Mixxx | Free Digital DJ Software

Mixxx is an open source DJ tool designed for both professional and amateur DJs alike. Mixxx allows DJs to mix music live with a clean, simple interface. Futhermore, Mixxx has a number of key features to help DJs in the mix: Beat estimation, parallel visual displays, and support for various DJ hardware controllers.


by 32 others, 1 comment
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all. Learn more about how it works. Synergy is open source and released under the GNU Public License (GPL). System Requirements * Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me (the Windows 95 family) * Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP (the Windows NT family) * Mac OS X 10.2 or higher * Unix o X Windows version 11 revision 4 or up o XTEST extension (use "xdpyinfo | grep XTEST" to check for XTEST) All systems must support TCP/IP networking. "Unix" includes Linux, Solaris, Irix and other variants.

steekR : Votre espace virtuel sécurisé (1 Go Offert)

by 6 others
Des possibilités fantaSteek * Déposez en ligne votre musique, vos photos et vos vidéos ainsi que tous vos autres fichiers. Ne transportez plus vos fichiers, ils sont disponibles de partout. * Ecoutez et visionnez vos fichiers multimédias où et quand vous voulez depuis un simple navigateur Web. * Diffusez vos fichiers auprès de vos amis. Une solution logiSteek * Logiciel compatible Windows et Mac, pour des transferts automatiques ou planifiés. * Accédez à votre espace de stockage sécurisé depuis l explorateur Windows. Une sécurité draSteek * Chaque semaine, découvrez une nouvelle fonctionnalité sur steekR ou steekUP. * Découvrez prochainement du contenu multimédia GRATUIT sur votre compte steekR * Modifiez vos documents bureautiques depuis votre compte steekR

SCENARI - Accueil

by 2 others
SCENARI est un environnement logiciel libre de conception de chaînes éditoriales numériques permettant la création de documents multimédia à usage professionnel : PAO, elearning, ...

Télécharger OnyX (Mac)

Gratuit et en français, un outil indispensable pour redonner un coup de jeune à son Mac emcombré de fichiers temporaires, ou pour personnaliser certains aspects inaccessibles normalement.

AutomounMaker - Easy mount your favorite volumes

AutomounMaker is a DONATEWARE, OS X native Universal Binary, easy tool to mount filesystems of type AFP, FTP, http, NFS, SMB. If you use always the same shared volume on your desktop, AutomountMaker is more easy than the classic Connect to Server... proposed by Apple. Another advantage is to be able to mount automatically your favorite volume when you open your session.

*** Hink Software - Backup Easy ***

by 1 other
The following versions are available at present : Version 2.3.05a Beta : * beta version of version 2.3 * ftp backup capability added, with SSL support * other functionalities same as older versions Backup Easy 2.3.05a - for all java supported system Backup Easy 2.3.05a - installer for Windows * Automatic backup of files and folders * Automatic switching among three languages (English, French, Simplied Chinese or Traditional Chinese) according to OS * Written in Java and is cross platform * Simple interface * Direct file/folder copy. No need for decompression software on recovery * Option for backup of modified files only to save time * Option for backup according to source PC directory structure * Support for FTP backup (beta) * Support for SSL (beta)

JaBack - Data backup software you can rely on

JaBack - Automated Data Backup Software. Improve your productivity! Backup software designed to automate all your backup, synchronization, and archiving tasks. * Easy to use: no programming or scripting required, graphical interface * Powerful, versatile, reliable and FREE * Run more than 1000+ tasks a day Automate Backups of your important files and folders. The backup set is created in standard ZIP format. This allows flexibility in restoring the data using any zip software to unzip the backup set. Transfer your backup set to a remote location via Ftp or Email it to your mail server. Scheduler software is very easy to use, yet has very powerful scheduling, tasking and automation capabilities. Email Notification of task failure based on task exit code. Local directory monitor allows you to backup data when a file/folder change is detected. Zip files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes. Copy files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.


by 3 others
iBackup is a simple to use backup/restore utility. iBackup supports scheduled backups of files, folders and applications. Further, it uses plugins to backup your settings like the dock, deskop picture, time, firewall, bluetooth and other system preferences. It is also able to backup Application Settings You can add, delete and edit these plugins. System Requirements: OS X 10.3.9 or 10.4 or later Supported languages: chinese dutch english french german italian japanese polish portuguese romanian russian spanish swedish

Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.

by 19 others
Jing Project permet de réaliser des screenshots et des screencasts en un clic de souris. Capture images : Snap a picture of anything on your desktop. Record Video : Record video of what you do, or what you see. Share online : Instantly uploaded. Share in email, IM, or blogs.

NcFTP Client

NcFTP Client Home Page NcFTP Client (also known as just NcFTP) is a set of FREE application programs implementing the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The current version is: 3.2.0 (August 5, 2006). The program has been in service on UNIX systems since 1991 and is a popular alternative to the standard FTP program, /usr/bin/ftp. NcFTP offers many ease-of-use and performance enhancements over the stock ftp client, and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms as well as operating systems such Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X. # NcFTP - FTP browser program # NcFTPGet - command-line utility program # NcFTPPut - command-line utility program # NcFTPLs - command-line utility program # NcFTPBatch - background FTP program for individual users # NcFTPSpooler - background batch FTP service for systems