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PUBLIC MARKS from cascamorto with tags gratuit & securite


Download MAXA Crypt Portable

Logiciel gratuit de cryptage de fichiers et de dossier portable et simple d'utilisation.


Cameyo | Free Application Virtualization

Cameyo est une solution de virtualisation d’application 100 % gratuite, ce qui se trouve être relativement original tant les logiciels dans ce domaine sont tous payants. Voila donc une alternative sympatique à thinapp et autres… Concrètement, ce programme permet d’exécuter des applications sans que celles-ci ne soient installées sur un ordinateur. Ceci est rendu possible grâce la virtualisation des ressources du système comme les clés de registre, les variables, les fichiers et dossiers et j’en passe…le tout dans un environnement dit virtuel. - Free Multi-Engine Online Virus Scanner v1.02, Supports 37 AntiVirus Engines! is a FREE on-line scan service, which checks uploaded files for malware, using antivirus engines, indicated in the VirSCAN list. On uploading files you want to be checked, you can see the result of scanning and how dangerous and harmful/harmless for your computer those files are. - Similaire à Virustotal -


Zeb Help Process Accueil




GenProc, comme son nom l'indique, est un générateur de procédures, qui va vous aider à accomplir des démarches visant à désinfecter votre ordinateur. GenProc est capable de compiler des instructions visant à désinfecter un ordinateur. Le programme reconnait à ce jour 20 classes de malwares, et peut suggérer autant de solutions

Télécharger Online Armor Personal Firewall (gratuit)

Online Armor est un excellent firewall. Simple et léger. La seconde protection IDS est un atout de taille ! Les paramètres sont nombreux est compréhensibles malgré l'anglais... Uniquement en anglais - pour l'instant - mais complet et entièrement gratuit. UN TRÈS BON OUTIL DE PROTECTION ! Un test de performances très intéressant se trouve ici (en anglais) : Lire tout le test Tutoriel sur - CLIQUER ICI


  • Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is an anti-malware application that can thoroughly remove even the most advanced malware. It includes a number of features, including a built in protection monitor that blocks malicious processes before they even start.
  • RogueRemover FREE is an application that can remove rogue antispyware, antivirus, and hard drive cleaning applications with ease. It removes rogue applications such as WinAntiSpyware, AVSystemCare, and SpySheriff.
  • FileASSASSIN is an application that can delete locked malware files on your system. It uses advanced programming techniques to unload modules, close remote handles, and terminate processes to remove the file. Please use with caution as deleting critical system files may cause system errors.
  • RegASSASSIN is a portable application which allows you to remove registry keys by resetting the keys' permissions and then deleting it. Please use with caution as deleting critical registry keys may cause system errors.
  • Qoofix is a removal tool which will remove the newest variants of Qoologic with the press of a button. Simply download the program, open it, and click Begin Removal.
  • E2TakeOut is a removal tool that targets and removees the E2Give and PTech malware with ease. Simply download the program, open it, and click Begin Removal.
  • AboutBuster is an application that will detect the three most known variants of CWS.AboutBlank. Simply download the program, open it, and click Begin Removal.

:: CWSandbox - Automated Malware Analysis ::

CWSandbox - Behavior-based Malware Analysis : CWSandbox is an approach to automatically analyze malware which is based on behavior analysis: malware samples are executed for a finite time in a simulated environment, where all system calls are closely monitored. From these observations, CWSandbox is able to automatically generate a detailed report which greatly simplifies the task of a malware analyst.

INSERT : Inside Security Rescue Toolkit

by 4 others
INSERT is a complete, bootable linux system. It comes with a graphical user interface running the fluxbox window manager while still being sufficiently small to fit on a credit card-sized CD-ROM. INSERT contains a multitude of useful tools to be at your hand in a variety of situations: full read-write support for NTFS-partitions using ntfs-3g support for various file system types: locally: EXT2,EXT3,REISERFS,REISER4,JFS,XFS,NTFS,FAT,MSDOS,MINIX,UDF,HFS,HFS ,HPFS,UFS,UNIONFS,SQUASHFS net based: NFS,SMBFS,CIFS,NCPFS,SSHFS,AFS support for linux software RAID and LVM2 support for WLAN adapters network analysis (e.g. nmap, tcpdump) disaster recovery (e.g. gparted, gpart, partimage, testdisk, recover) virus scanning (Clam Antivirus, the GUI xfprot for F-Prot) computer forensics (e.g. chkrootkit, foremost, rootkit hunter) surf the internet (e.g. the web browser dillo [enhanced version], the graphical FTP client gFTP) network boot server to boot network boot enabled clients that cannot boot from the CD (insert-remote) installation on a USB memory stick (usb-install) based on Linux kernel and Knoppix 5.1.1

CD ROM de Secours GPCsecours Edition Standard

by 1 other
Applications de Secours du CD live Ubuntu ChkDsk : Réparer les erreurs sur le disque dur Memtest : Diagnostiquer la mémoire vive Nautilus : Accéder aux données Windows et Sauvegarder Internet : Surfer sur Internet sans contaminer votre PC Avast : Détecter et éliminer les virus - Download Security & Privacy Tools

by 1 other
* Antispam * Antispyware * Antivirus * Cleanup Tools * Cookie Managers * Defrag Tools * Email Privacy * Encryption Tools * Firewalls * Net Monitoring * Password Manager * Pc Access Control * Popup Blockers * Secure Deletion * Security Tools * Startup Managers * Traceroute Tools

ThreatFire AntiVirus - Behavioral Virus and Spyware Protection

With ThreatFire installed you are fully protected against the "Zero-Day" attacks your traditional signature-based antivirus cannot catch. Please take a few moments to walk through this brief orientation on what you can expect from ThreatFire. We'd like to show you what makes us different!

PSI - Personal Software Inspector - Secunia

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The Secunia PSI is the FREE security tool that is designed with the sole purpose of helping you secure your computer from software vulnerabilities. Software vulnerabilities affect all applications installed on your computer, from the Operating System down to your email client, office application, instant messaging, and so on.

Réparez 90% des problèmes informatiques avec un seul outil - Autoruns - 01net

by 1 other
Des fenêtres publicitaires qui apparaissent sur le bureau sans raison? Des conflits entre des applications pourtant désinstallées? Un temps de démarrage anormalement long? Des soucis à l'extinction du PC? Tous ces problèmes trouvent leur solution avec un seul outil gratuit, méconnu et pourtant indispensable: Autoruns de Microsoft/SysInternals.

Hash Calculator to Get, Compute and Calculate MD5 and SHA1 File Checksum or Hash Value » My Digital Life

SlavaSoft HashCalc : Support of 12 well-known and documented hash and checksum algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2( 256, 384, 512), RIPEMD-160, PANAMA, TIGER, ADLER32, CRC32. HashTab is a Windows shell extension which adds a tab called “File Hashes” to the Windows Explorer file properties. The tab contains the MD5, SHA1 and CRC-32 file hashes.

MD5sums for Windows

This is a win32 console application. There is no GUI, but you can use Explorer to drag files over md5sums.exe to obtain their md5 hashes. MD5sums calculates the MD5 message digest for one or more files (includes a percent done display for large files).

McAfee - Rootkit Detective

McAfee Rootkit Detective Beta is a program designed and developed by McAfee Avert Labs to proactively detect and clean rootkits that are running on the system. McAfee Rootkit Detective should only be used by knowledgeable individuals at the direction of, and with the support of, a representative from McAfee Avert Labs or McAfee Technical Support. Improper usage of this tool could result in damage to your applications or operating system.

McAfee Threat Center

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Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Stinger utilizes next generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.

2007 [beta] - Pcmav Antivirus

Pcmav Antivirus est un antivirus qui a été développé par une société Indonésienne. Sa particularité est qu'il ne demande pas d'installation, bien qu'il fournisse aussi une protection en temps réel. Autre point positif, est qu'il accepte aussi d'analyser les fichiers avec ClamAV, l'antivirus open source. daily.cvd.... les définitions de virus journalières à prendre ici (Clique droite enregistrer sous):