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FIR - ABOUT:CONFIG - Overview of Firefox's about:config security and privacy preferences | gHacks Technology News

- dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows Defines whether scripts can close windows in the browser. True: Scripts may close any window. False: Scripts may only close windows opened by scripts. (default) - dom.disable_image_src_set Determines whether JavaScript is allowed to manipulate images displayed in the browser. True: Scripts are allowed to change images. False: Scripts are not allowed (default) _ dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled Determines whether websites are allowed to access clipboard contents (check out: Block websites from reading or modifying Clipboard contents in Firefox for additional information). True: Websites may read or modify clipboard events. (default) False: Blocks access. - dom.event.contextmenu.enabled Determines whether websites are allowed to block access to the right-click context menu. True: Websites may manipulate the context menu. (default) False: Web pages won't be allowed to manipulate or block the context menu. - dom.popup_allowed_events Defines the JavaScript events that are allowed to create popup windows. change click dblclick mouseup reset submit touchend - Determines if location aware browsing is enabled. True: Location Aware browsing is enabled. (default) False: The feature is disabled which means that you won't get prompts on websites using it. - geo.wifi.uri The data provider used to power Firefox's geolocation feature. (Check out how to switch to a Mozilla operated service) - network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy Defines when to set the referrer (the page a visit originated from). 0: Never send it. 1: only send if the base domain matches. 2: only send if hosts match. - plugin.state.flash The default state of the Flash plugin. See How to make sure Firefox plugins never activate again for more information. 0: turns off the Flash plugin in Firefox. 1: sets the Flash plugin to ask to activate. 2: enables the Flash plugin.

USERSTYLES - HACK - extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains chez DuckDuckGo

Users can currently install from other sources in these ways: Visit a CSS file, click the Stylish icon, click Add File to Stylish (no metadata will be loaded, but updates will work) From the Stylish tab in the Add-ons Manager, click Install from URL, and provide the URL to a CSS file (again, no metadata, but updates work) Modify the setting extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains in about:config and visit a site that implements the appropriate meta elements and something like this JavaScript and use its UI (supports metadata). Use Install from URL and provide a URL that implements the appropriate meta elements. This way, the site does not need to implement any JS and does not need to be in extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains (supports metadata) So basically the missing portion to achieve what you want is some way to more easily add a site to extensions.stylish.install.allowedDomains. I would also to give some thought as to how to prevent abuse of this feature. For example, there's nothing currently stopping a site from opening infinite prompts until the user installs.


FIR - ABOUT:CONFIG - POPUP - How to disable popups in Firefox without add-ons? - Super User

. Go to: about:config. Set and dom.popup_allowed_events=''. It works beautifully!

FIREFOX - 3 Step Problem Fix/Solution for Continuous Mozilla Firefox Freezing | Blogiac - A Journal of Personal Views on Things

Continuously, after a fixed time interval, the browser freezes/becomes unresponsive momentarily, and then becomes responsive again. === TRY : Type "about:config" === Find or locate the preference "dom.min_background_timeout_value" === open up the dialogue box "Enter Integer Value" === change the previous value (which will be y default less than 1000) to a very large value, lets say 1000000