22 August 2010 05:30
Access Flickr! :Bypasses the flickr.com filter: Add-ons for Firefox
Bypasses the flickr.com filter in Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China and other banned countries and places... Just install the extension and restart your browser. There is no configuration, no menu, no icon... All needed configurations are done automatically! After restarting, you can access flickr.com, without any restriction! Just notice that you should use the basic uploader instead of the flash version. You can find the basic uploader here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/upload/basic And an interview about this extension on "Global Voices": http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/2007/02/14/access-flickr-iran/ History: In my country (Iran), unfortunately, the flickr.com is banned. I'm a fan of that photo-archive website, so I wrote this extension just to help my dear friends who can not access flickr.com from Iran.
(1 marks)