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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags productivity & google


10 Great Uses For Google Desktop(2006) - Google Operating System unofficial Tips

Google Desktop lets you search your computer and have tiny bits of information at your fingertips if you use Google Gadgets. Everybody knows that. But Google Desktop can have other interesting uses. 7. File versioning: You can use Google Desktop to revert to a previous version of a document (text file, Office document, HTML file). Google Desktop keeps all the versions of a file, so it may be useful if you don't backup your files. 8. Most recent documents : Google Desktop has a timeline that lets you the files created or modified recently. 10. Gmail replacement: Gmail is down or your internet connection is down. You don't use a desktop mail client, but you need to find an important mail. Fortunately, Google Desktop indexes your mail (if you want to), so you can search your messages and read them offline. The attachments aren't saved on your PC.

BIB - Zotero et Piggy Bank - YouVox Tech - Magazine participatif sur la convergence Internet, médias, télécom | Où vont les moteurs de recherche ?

on voit apparaître des outils infiniment plus intéressantes qui associent à la prise de notes, le stockage des pages que l’on visite sur le net (un peu à la manière de Digg, Kaboodle, Livelocker ou de cette extension très originale sur Firefox : Piggy bank…) et des outils de traitement de l’information spécifiques. J’en citerai trois : Sohonotes, qui réside sur l’ordinateur, et deux extensions de Firefox : Googlenotebook et, surtout, Zotero.


Hack Attack: Become a Gmail master - Lifehacker

by 1 other
Today I've got a rundown of the methods and add-ons I use to make Gmail more powerful. By the time you're done with this article you'll be a bona fide Gmail power user, too. Quick look at what to expect