public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags research & outil


BibSonomy (Delicious "Like" tool from University of Kassel, Germany)__ About

To support everyone, but in particular researchers, in sharing bookmarks and bibliographies. __We have to deal with bibliographic data all the time, needed a more coherent way to manage our bibtex data. __Social resource sharing systems are very popular nowadays, but do still lack theoretical foundations : Our aim is to tackle the research challenges that arise around systems like BibSonomy, and to provide more sophisticated support for tasks like browsing, searching, ranking, and community discovery.


Bibliopédia_site collaboratif pour les bibliothécaires, documentalistes et archivistes francophones.

by 12 others
Décrivez ICI vos projets ou vos astuces.C'est le privilège du secteur public d'être libre du partage des bonnes idées au service de l'intérêt général : classements, logistique, Communication, bonnes idées, services dont nous sommes fiers, etc....

Transfz, un super outil de recherche____Freewares & Tutos

Transfz (prononcez transfuse) est un outil de recherche (intégré au menu contextuel) qui permet à l'utilisateur de lancer des recherches en ligne sur l'ordinateur et sur le Web à partir de n'importe quel document ou application. Il peut exécuter 3 fo

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

FlickrCash______Moteur de recherche pour Flickr

by 3 others, 1 comment
FlickrCash est un moteur de recherche spécifique à Flickr (célèbre application d'hébergement et de partage de photos). Il permet des recherches avec un mot clé, un nom d'utilisateur, un groupe et même la date de publication. Le résultat est prése

Resurrect Pages_Probleme__Extention Searches through five big page cache/mirrors

by 1 other
Dead pages, broken links, the scourge of the internet. Powerhouse sites like Slashdot and Digg can bring a server to its knees. What do we do when a page is dead but we still want to see it? Call in the clerics, and perform a resurrection ceremony! Or, th

Similr:__F lickr tool____Find your next favorite photo

Welcome to similr. Here are your favorite pictures. Choose one, and dumpr will look who else liked this photo and what other photo they liked. Your next favorite is just around the corner! Tutorial Lo


by 2 others
The community is awesome. Users like you have created a ton of interesting and useful services and tools that build on to add all kinds of features and options, and most of them are free (some are even open-source). We've made a li Randomizer

Each time you hit the Randomizer Button, will bounce you to a random new page recently bookmarked by other users. By visiting the help page devoted to Randomizer Buttons, you can grab a bookmarklet of your own to sta

Zotero: A seriously useful research |

by 1 other
you need Zotero, a Firefox extension that helps you manage research sources. With Zotero installed, Firefox is not confined to the Web, and you can use it as a standalone application for all sorts of online and offline research. Zotero requires Firefox ve

Flickr Photo Compass 0.5 - GeoTagging Flickr_____Flickr: GM script:

The Geo Radar released by .CK reminded me of an idea I had had a while ago and provided me with the tools to implement it quickly. This one is a simple version of the radar where you only see the 8 closest photos to the actual one in the directions: N, NE

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
* Tags: * Combined tags: * Popular: * Popular tags: * Users:

ZERO SECONDE: Navigation par grappe : carnet de note ouvert de Martin Lessard

vier 2006 Navigation par grappe TouchGraph GoogleBrowser est un outil graphique permettant de visualiser des sites similaires (selon Google). Il crée des aggrégations de sites, comme des nébuleuses de sites, que l'on peut naviguer globalement, facileme


EmoRate for Flickr

by 1 other
EmoRate is an emotion based Flickr photo review & classification site with advanced search features, adaptive personalization of favorite reviewer lists and photos, and more.


démonstration associant le résumé automatique de textes