public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags service & user


HACK - (Well documented) Top 10 Free Sites to Receive SMS Online Without Real Phone Number - dr.fone

by 1 other (via)
Tested with success for 2Factors : Imagine having to put your email addresses on websites every time you want to sign up for a service offered on the website or participate in a forum discussion. This has left a lot of people frustrated in accessing web services because not everyone is comfortable or wants to expose his or her email address to the public. Although in recent times, some websites now offer temporary disposable email addresses that can be generated automatically for use without hitches; these email addresses are vulnerable as there is less password protection feature to improve security. For this reason, the use of phone verification became an alternative to access some web services. The phone verification works in a way that a phone number is provided to a website to receive code generated randomly via SMS in which the code is put back on the website in order to ascertain that the user is no spam bot but real. In order to guide your privacy, you can receive sms online on your computer rather than using your real phone number. The following sites are the top 10 free sites where you can receive SMS online without your real phone number.


PROXY - Surf the web with ASProxy

What is ASProxy? ASProxy is an open-source web proxy service which allows the user to surf the net anonymously. When using ASProxy, not only is your identity hidden but you will be able to escape filters and firewalls from an internet connection. In most cases your job, school, or even your country may prevent you from accessing your favorite websites. ASProxy will circumvent this. The purpose of ASProxy is spreading freedom on the net, but this proxy can be used for any purposes. ASProxy is not responsible for


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - (Videotheque) - Recherche de Films sur IMDB reliée à Une Bibliothèque - (Lycoming County Library System Search 1.0)

Un exemple de possibilité de liens ajoutés pour une recheche de films sur "Internet Movie Data Base" qui donne accés au catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque... A étudier Pendant la consultation d'un titre sur IMDB, il place un lien vers une recherche pour ledit titre dans la bibliothèque du comté de Lycoming System (Pennsylvanie). While viewing a title on IMDB, it will place a link to a search for said title in the Lycoming County Library System (Pennsylvania).


podcasts de livres audio (libres de droits) pour les enfants.__Exemple Bibliothèque Cheshire Public Library

des bibliothèques publiques, comme la Cheshire Public Library , offrent des podcasts de livres audio (libres de droits) pour les enfants.