public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from exiledsurfer with tags art & cool

07 May 2005

life through an artificial eye: Six Miles

Back from the awesome AVIT 05 and doing a midnight live vj set together with todd synesthete for the san francisco glitch-hop artist kraddy, during the UK's largest not for profit political clubbing event, Drop Beats Not Bombs, on the closing night of AVI

life through an artificial eye: re:vlogged: Who's Responsible for this?

Today's re:vlog is an amalgamation of visitors to artificialeye who left comments complimenting us on the quality of the content, so i think it's fair to return the favor by re:vlogging them. In order of appearance:

05 May 2005

KHRONOS PROJECTOR - Alvaro Cassinelli

by 6 others
Khronos is an experimental video-playback technology. By touching the screen and moving your hand, you can scrub an area of the video back and forth through time. "By actually touching a deformable projection screen, shaking it or curling it, separate 'is

30 April 2005

16 April 2005

ni9e blog: Explicit Content Only....

by 1 other
remove everything from N.W.A.'s Straight Outta Compton album except for the curse words. It's like a reverse censored version of the album I'm calling "Explicit Content Only".

html to rap in one easy click

by 2 others
actually, what really happens is that 1. you submit a URL (remember, it's subject to traffic schedule). 2. the server script reads the HTML page at that address. 3. it treats the code as literal English words. 4, assembles 16 lines from them. 5. subm

01 April 2005

31 March 2005

The Internet Pinball Machine Database

by 1 other
The Internet Pinball Machine Database — also known as the IPD or IPDB — is a comprehensive, searchable listing of virtually every pinball machine ever made.  It is an ad free, popup free, registration free resource

30 March 2005


by 28 others
Ubuweb is a wonderful site where you can find audio and video archives of radio, films, sounds, visual and concrete poetry, literature and other related subjects. One of the new features Film has some surrealistic silent movies from Marcel Duchamp, Man Ra

re:vlogging Homage to Annie

RE:vlogging is the remixing of videoblogposts "the only way i can flirt with her is with a re-vlog mix of her original post with some nice ice cream pastel color and streak fx with a bit of rgb delay -- to spice up the stark whiteness of what appears to b

29 March 2005

27 March 2005

...:::THIS IS DEFUMO.ORG:::...

awesome graffiti tagup event in 2001 in italy, nice flash site with cool interface, though a bit dated, and nice content..

26 March 2005

24 March 2005

Jesus Christ Superstore

get your action figures here!

Rob Manuel: Notepad Invaders

flash based game with sketched characters, well done!

Living Dead Sharpener

pencil sharpener in a dolls eyesocket, with attendant blood... wierd.


by 4 others
Dave Logan is a high school senior who just finished his latest animation, which is a music video for They Might Be Giants' excellent song 'Bloodmobile. | Only YOU have the power to Save Toby!

Toby is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on June 30th, 2005 if you don’t help. I rescued him several months ago. I found him under my porch, soaking wet, injured from what appeared to be an attack from an alley cat. I to

23 March 2005

exiledsurfer's TAGS related to tag art

3d +   antfeeds +   apple +   ascii +   cool +   copyleft +   darwin +   FightThePower +   flash +   funny +   game +   games +   graffiti +   html +   mashup +   mp3 +   music +   musicvideo +   p2p +   peercast +   quicktime +   re-vlog +   remix +   retro +   science +   tech +   unmediated +   videoblog +   videoclip +   VJ_content +   VJ_screentech +   VJ_software +   VJ_tech +   vlog +