public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tags php & python


alwaysdata, l'hébergement internet tranquille :: Accueil

by 7 others
Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un hébergeur Internet de qualité, parcourez nos offres sans plus attendre, vous trouverez votre bonheur. Profitez du Pack Gratuit ! Sans engagement ni limitation de durée, le Pack Gratuit vous suffira pour héberger simplement votre site perso et votre boîte email.


by 1 other
Pashua ist a tool for creating native Aqua dialog windows for Perl, PHP, Tcl, Python, Ruby, Rexx and shell scripts as well as AppleScript. The GUI elements which can be used for such dialogs include text input fields (single-line and multi-line), checkboxes, radiobuttons, combo boxes, popup menus, open panels or buttons. Moreover, it's possible to embed images or PDFs.

Welcome to OpenID Enabled! — OpenID Enabled

by 6 others
From the developers of the Python-OpenID library and (where you can get an OpenID for free -- you can also choose from a number of other OpenID providers) this is a website by OpenID developers, for OpenID developers.


PHPTAL :: Template Attribute Language for PHP

PHPTAL is a PHP implementation of ZPT work. To be short, PHPTAL is a XML/XHTML template library for PHP. While most web developpers continue to use ASP/JSP/PHP tags as the core language of their templates, the Zope community came with a refreshing idea named TAL. The idea was to move presentation actions inside XHTML attributes instead of using plain tags or elements.