public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from fredbird with tags php & xml

14 June 2005 15:00


by 4 others
MiniXML provides a simple, API to generating and parsing XML. Its advantages are ease-of-use and the fact that no additional libraries are required. It comes with two independant implementations, 100% PHP and 100% Perl, which you can use seperately.

25 January 2005 09:00

PHP On The Fly

by 1 other
using javascript new httpRequest to execute real-time php scripts serverside

20 January 2005 14:30

A Development Infrastructure for PHP

by 5 others
With every programming language I have worked in it has become normal practice, after having developed an initial series of programs, to identify a common structure to which all subsequent programs should be built. This may take some time as it involves a bit of trial and error in playing with the different ways in which a task can be achieved in order to find the methodology that gives the most advantages in the long term.