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PUBLIC MARKS from giovanninicco with tags video & google

04 January 2007

02 January 2007

TiddlyMath by Giovanni Nicco

Un piccolo video per provare google video e per spiegare tiddlymath

01 January 2007

26 December 2006

WebCast - Creación de lecciónes para el Aula Virtual (2) - Google Video

WebCast Creación de lecciónes par.. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

25 December 2006

giovanninicco's TAGS related to tag video

5DS +   bbc +   capture +   cern +   css +   dreamweaver +   e-learning +   ECDL +   elearning +   electromagnetism +   esercizi_svolti +   f13 +   free +   g13 +   g14 +   G15 +   g17 +   geogebra +   google +   ipod +   it +   java +   M4_12_calcolo_combinatorio +   mac +   magnetism +   mit +   photo +   physics +   podcast +   podcasting +   science +   software +   tiddlyMath +   tv +   videos +   web +   webcast +   wink +   x +