public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from holyver with tags clevermarks & modules

December 2012

Article: File Entity Inline : le futur de la gestion de fichier sous Drupal ?

Nouveau module d'importance qui vient de sortir : File Entity Inline. Réalisé par un auteur bien connu de la communauté Drupal (quicksketch), le module File Entity Inline permet de se coupler au module File entity afin de disposer de chargement de fichier "fieldable". Mais que signifie donc ce charbia ?

November 2012

agile approach | Moving Forward with Open Atrium 2.0

Open Atrium has long been the go-to "Intranet in a box" distribution for Drupal 6.  Obviously, Drupal 6 is nearing it's official "end of life" and something needed to be done with Open Atrium.  The question for the past year has been: "What exactly should be done?"  Should we just port the existing modules to D7?  Should we just leap-frog to Drupal 8?  What about new functionality?  What about improving existing functionality?  How do we make Open Atrium more accessible to more types of users?  How do we take advantage of new Drupal 7 components?

June 2011

Omega | Drupal 7 Base Theme with HTML5 & 960gs support

Omega is an evolved implementation of the in Drupal supporting HTML5, giving you full control over your layout, advanced region placement and controls, and contextual layouts provided by the Delta and Context modules.